1. She made a dramatic speech at the meeting.
1. 戏剧性的:在梦幻的(Romantic)月色中 悄悄地迭上双唇屏住气息...戏剧性的(Dramatic)逃亡 为此醉心的两个人生(生命) 献给了爱...拒绝嗜虐的(Sadistic)贵族主义 攞脱牢笼 啊啊那是一出悲剧...在命运的棋盘(Broad)上 渴求着控制权 生与死的互
2. 显著的:其中的任何一个环节无论完成得如何好,如何有效率,就其本身来说对企业并无直接意义. 1. 根本上(Fundamental)重新思考2. 彻底的(Radical)变革3.显着的(Dramatic)进步4. 从重新设计业务流程(Procees)着手
3. 戏剧的;激动人心的:dormitory 宿舍 | dramatic 戏剧的;激动人心的 | drawback n. 退款;欠缺
1. 突如其来的;急剧的;引人注目的
A dramatic change or event happens suddenly and is very noticeable and surprising.
e.g. A fifth year of drought is expected to have dramatic effects on the California economy...
e.g. This policy has led to a dramatic increase in our prison populations.
2. 激动人心的;引人注目的;令人印象深刻的
A dramatic action, event, or situation is exciting and impressive.
e.g. He witnessed many dramatic escapes as people jumped from as high as the fourth floor...
e.g. Their arrival was dramatic and exciting.
3. 戏剧的;有关戏剧的;戏剧学的
You use dramatic to describe things connected with or relating to the theatre, drama, or plays.
e.g. ...a dramatic arts major in college...
e.g. I had no thoughts of making a dramatic film. I was working in documentary.
1. suitable to or characteristic of drama
e.g. a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape
a dramatic rescue at sea
2. sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect
e.g. a dramatic sunset
a dramatic pause
a spectacular display of northern lights
it was a spectacular play
his striking good looks always created a sensation
Synonym: spectacularstriking
3. used of a singer or singing voice that is marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style
e.g. a dramatic tenor
a dramatic soprano
4. pertaining to or characteristic of drama
e.g. dramatic arts