1. 双排扣:西装的基本款式有单排扣(single breasted)和双排扣(double breasted)两种. 欧洲人,尤其是高大的男士会偏向于双排扣的西装;亚洲人则多选择单排扣的款式. 单排扣也有不同数量的纽扣,从一粒扣到四粒扣,甚至更多粒的都有. 但作为商务西装,
2. 双襟:628 single breasted 单襟 | 629 double breasted 双襟 | 630 back vent 后叉
3. 双排钮扣的:double-barreled 双管的 | double-breasted 双排钮扣的 | double-click 双击
4. 双排扣的:shirt 衬衫 | double-breasted 双排扣的 | Culture Shock 文化常识
1. (夹克或西服)双排纽扣的
A double-breasted jacket or suit has two very wide sections at the front of the jacket which fit over one another when you button them up.
1. (of clothing) fastened by lapping one edge of the front well over the other usually with a double row of buttons
e.g. double-breasted jacket
double-breasted suit