1. 多芬:国家商务部网11月3日讯 为执行卡塔尔-阿联酋-阿曼三方于1999年签署的第一个天然气战略框架协议和2005年签署的为期25年的天然气购销协议,多芬(DOLPHIN)能源公司于11月2日开始向阿曼供应卡塔尔天然气.
1. 海豚
A dolphin is a mammal which lives in the sea and looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth.
1. any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout
larger than porpoises
2. large slender food and game fish widely distributed in warm seas (especially around Hawaii)
Synonym: dolphinfishmahimahi