1. divider什么意思
1. 分配器:把高速缓冲存储器分配器(divider)从1/3提高到1/2是不会有太大帮助的. 很遗憾,我们无法向你展示雷鸟(Thunderbird)在这个测试中的表现. 但是Coppermine与Katmai PIII的比较也可以显示出 ondie的二级高速缓存的作用.
2. 分频器:如图1所示,锁相环(PLL)包括鉴频鉴相器(PFD)、电荷泵(CP)、低通滤波器(LP)、压控振荡器(VCO)以及分频器(DIVIDER)模块,其基本工作原理见文献[3],[4]. 鉴频鉴相器(PFD)检测Fref与FB的位相差,产生UP和DN脉冲信号,控制电荷泵(CP)对滤波器(LP)进行充、放电,
3. divider的反义词
3. 圆规:早期手绘牌多为简单的星体描绘,直接取材于月亮本身和对隐藏的生命法则的探寻:Visconti-Sforza为手执新月的红装女子(我不清楚Cary-Yale/Scapini tarocchi card中她长裙上的花饰和维特月亮下的露水/Yod有无联系?),Gringonneur为两位天文学者一执圆规(divider)对月一执圆规绘图,d'Este也为浑天仪前落座面对新月绘图的天文学
1. 分隔物;分开物;隔板
A divider is something which forms a barrier between two areas or sets of things.
e.g. A curtain acted as a divider between this class and another.
e.g. ...room dividers.
2. 分线规;两脚规
Dividers are an instrument used for measuring lines and for marking points along them. Dividers consist of two pointed arms joined with a hinge.
1. a drafting instrument resembling a compass that is used for dividing lines into equal segments or for transferring measurements
2. a vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another)
Synonym: partition
3. a person who separates something into parts or groups
4. a taxonomist who classifies organisms into many groups on the basis of relatively minor characteristics
Synonym: splitter