
distortion [dɪ''stɔ:ʃn]  [dɪˈstɔrʃən] 


distortion 基本解释

名词扭曲,变形; 失真,畸变; [心理学] 扭转

distortion 网络解释

1. distortion的近义词

1. 失真:从神话般的八十年代以来,内置过载的音箱充斥着市场,这还不算那些过载(overdrive),失真(distortion),以及重金属(heavy metal)单块. 这些科学的奇迹使那些用来过载音箱的绕数过多的拾音器不再需要了.

2. 扭曲变形:这是一段漫长缓慢的过程,因为许多有问题的DNA必须先修补好之后,才能够将祖先立体影像肉身化,而不致产生扭曲变形(distortion)的情况. 而这也是我这一生的目的之一:修补恩纽时期核子辐射尘所造成的损伤,使未来上升之途更加顺畅.

3. 畸变:场曲六 畸变(Distortion)前面所说各种相差除场曲外,都影响象的清晰度. 畸变是另一种性质的相差,光束的同心性不受到破坏. 因此,不影响象的清晰度,但使象与原物体比,在形状上造成失真. 畸变

distortion 词典解释

1. 歪曲;曲解
    Distortion is the changing of something into something that is not true or not acceptable.

    e.g. I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest...
    e.g. He later accused reporters of wilful distortion and bias.

2. 失真;变形
    Distortion is the changing of the appearance or sound of something in a way that makes it seem strange or unclear.

    e.g. Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion.

distortion 英英释义


1. the mistake of misrepresenting the facts

2. the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean

    Synonym: overrefinementstrainingtorturetwisting

3. a change for the worse

    Synonym: deformation

4. an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image

    Synonym: aberrationoptical aberration

5. a change (usually undesired) in the waveform of an acoustic or analog electrical signal
    the difference between two measurements of a signal (as between the input and output signal)

    e.g. heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion

6. a shape resulting from distortion

    Synonym: distorted shape

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