1. Every paragraph is a distillation of sound judgment.
1. 蒸馏:单一麦芽威士忌的原料只有用薰有泥煤香的大麦麦芽,发酵后经过之前提到的那些磨碎(Mashing),发酵(Fermentation),蒸馏(Distillation),陈年(Maturing),因为每家蒸馏厂所用的原料,酿制的方式,陈桶用的橡木桶不同,在装瓶售出后,
2. 蒸馏法:2) 蒸馏法 (Distillation) 这种提炼法,是最原始的提炼法. 其原理是将植物放进锅炉中,利用蒸汽及其热力,将植物中的汁液和精华迫出,形成蒸汽後,再将之急冻,变成液态後,收集得来的,就是精华油. 而植物中,玫瑰、薰衣草等,就是以此法炼法而成.
3. 蒸馏(法),馏出物:distillating still 蒸馏釜 | distillation 蒸馏(法),馏出物 | distillation apparatus 蒸馏器
1. the process of purifying a liquid by boiling it and condensing its vapors
Synonym: distillment
2. a purified liquid produced by condensation from a vapor during distilling
the product of distilling
Synonym: distillate