
displace [dɪsˈpleɪs]  [dɪsˈples] 


displace 基本解释

及物动词移动,移走; 替换,取代; 排水; 撤职

displace 反义词


displace 相关例句


1. Television has displaced motion pictures as America''s most popular form of entertainment.

2. displace在线翻译

2. He displaced a bone in his knee in the crash with another player.

3. displace的解释

3. He displaced a bone in his knee while playing football.

4. displace的翻译

4. The ship displaces 20, 000tons.

5. A ship displaces a certain amount of water.

displace 网络解释

1. displace的解释

1. 置换:把高度图当作顶点纹理来使用也是很方便的:使用它来置换(displace)顶点的垂直位置是很有效的. 可以把所有需要进行的运算分为两类:几何体置换计算和光照计算. 因为水面镶嵌(tessellated)良好,因此,可以把光照计算放到片断(fragment)程序中,

2. displace的意思

2. 位移:小心的使用Peter Watje写的Grid Primitive和位移(displace)修改器. 大多数人使用一张单个图片作为位移贴图,而我通过使用一个纹理代替一张静态图片,完全发挥了MAX的材质编辑器的功能,这样使你得到更大的自由度.

3. 移置:而且这些迁徙移置 (displace)并阻断了数百万人的生计. 国族主义运动、战争、饥荒,以及跨国资本和全球企业的发展,导致许多人被迫迁移,其他成千上万人,则志愿且 通常是暂时性的动身横越广阔的地理距离,为了娱乐和增广见闻而旅游.

displace 词典解释

1. 取代;代替;置换
    If one thing displaces another, it forces the other thing out of its place, position, or role, and then occupies that place, position, or role itself.


    e.g. These factories have displaced tourism as the country''s largest source of foreign exchange...
    e.g. Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power.

2. 迫使…离开家园;迫使…迁徙;迫使…背井离乡
    If a person or group of people is displaced, they are forced to moved away from the area where they live.


    e.g. In Europe alone thirty million people were displaced...
    e.g. Most of the civilians displaced by the war will be unable to return to their homes.

displace 英英释义


1. cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense

    e.g. Move those boxes into the corner, please
           I''m moving my money to another bank
           The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant

    Synonym: move

2. cause to move, usually with force or pressure

    e.g. the refugees were displaced by the war

3. terminate the employment of
    discharge from an office or position

    e.g. The boss fired his secretary today
           The company terminated 25% of its workers

    Synonym: firegive noticecandismissgive the axesend awaysackforce outgive the sackterminate

4. take the place of or have precedence over

    e.g. live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour
           discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor

    Synonym: preempt

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