名词欺诈; 不诚实的行为; 不正直,不诚实; 狡猾,阴险
1. 不忠实行为:虽然该案例涉及行为不当 (misconduct) 的解雇理由,但审裁官认为该案例的原则亦适用於不忠实行为 (dishonesty) 的解雇理由. 於衡量过所有有关的考虑后,审裁官认为申索人的行为虽然有错,但以<雇佣条例>>第9条即时解雇的处分则过於严厉.
2. dishonesty
2. 不诚实诈欺:dishonestpossession 恶意占有 | dishonesty 不诚实 诈欺 | dishonesty 不诚实诈欺
3. 诓骗:Business 商务 | Dishonesty 诓骗 | Happiness and Sadness 欢乐与悲哀
1. 不诚实;欺诈
Dishonesty is dishonest behaviour.
e.g. She accused the government of dishonesty and incompetence.
1. lack of honesty
acts of lying or cheating or stealing
Synonym: knavery
2. the quality of being dishonest