dialog box的近义词
1. 对话框:后台监控系统PAU8000 FOR WINDOWS 是基于个人计算机的变电站或发电厂自动化后台监控系统,采用国际标准,多窗口多任务系统,运行于汉化的MS WINDOWS 操作系统环境,与所有的以WINDOWS 为基础的软件一样,PAU8000 监控系统程序使用菜单(MENU),对话框(DIALOG BOX)和图标(ICON),
2. dialog box的翻译
2. 对话窗口:dialog 对话 | dialog box 对话窗口 | dialoging 对话
3. 對話方塊 对话框:Dependent 從屬 从属 | Dialog Box 對話方塊 对话框 | Double 雙精度浮點數 双精度浮点数
4. dialog box
4. 对话栏:device driver 设备驱动程序 | dialog box 对话栏 | dictionary attack 字典式攻击
1. (屏幕上出现的)对话框
A dialog box is a small area containing information or questions that appears on a computer screen when you are performing particular operations.
1. (computer science) a small temporary window in a graphical user interface that appears in order to request information from the user
after the information has been provided the user dismisses the box with `okay'' or `cancel''
Synonym: panel