1. 过分地:devilish 如恶魔般的 | devilishly 过分地 | devilishness 可怕
2. 恶极地:devilish 如恶魔的 | devilishly 恶极地 | devilled 蘸了很多芥末的
3. 恶极地/厉害地:devilish /如恶魔的/可怕的/非常的/ | devilishly /恶极地/厉害地/ | devilishness /可怕/非常/
4. 穷凶极恶地; 厉害地 (副):devest 剥夺、褫夺 (动) | devilishly 穷凶极恶地; 厉害地 (副) | devilishness 可怕 (名)
1. (used as intensives) extremely
e.g. she was madly in love
deadly dull
deadly earnest
deucedly clever
insanely jealous
Synonym: madlyinsanelydeadlydeucedly
2. in a playfully devilish manner
e.g. the socialists are further handicapped if they believe that capitalists are not only wicked but also devilishly clever
Synonym: devilish
3. as a devil
in an evil manner
e.g. his writing could be diabolically satiric
Synonym: diabolicallyfiendishly