
deuce [dju:s]  [du:s] 


deuce 基本解释


deuce 相关词组

1. deuce a bit : 完全不, 一点儿不;

2. go to the deuce : 堕落, 毁灭, 滚开;

3. the deuce : 究竟;

deuce 相关例句

1. The deuce he isn''t .

2. There will be the deuce to pay.


1. The weather played the deuce with our plans.

2. What the deuce is that?

3. Deuce take it!

deuce 网络解释

1. (局末)平分:以往的比赛,以十五分为一局. 任何一队需要先取得发球权,然后在每一球胜了对方,方可得分;若一球输了,发球权就归于对方. 当两队十四分平手后,其中一方需要连赢两分,方可赢得一局;这个就是局末平分(Deuce)制.

2. deuce在线翻译

2. 两点:详细说明:洗发牌模拟程序: 一副扑克牌有54张,为简单起见,这里撇去大小王不计,剩下52张扑克共4种花色:红桃(Heart),方块(Diamond),梅花(Club),黑桃(Spade),其ASCII码分别为3,4,5,6,扑克牌的面值则有十三种:A(Ace),两点(Deuce),三点(Three),

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 平手:当双方各得六分时为平手(DEUCE). (局数与比赛的胜负) 第22条:(1)比赛以七局或九局赛为原则. 但主办单位得在竞赛规程中另行规定比赛方法. (2)七局赛的胜负以先得四局者为胜. 九局赛的胜负以先得五局者为胜.

4. deuce:digital electronic universal computing engine; 通用电子数字计算机

deuce 词典解释

1. (网球比赛中双方各得 40 分时的)局末平分(之后一方须连得两分方可获胜)
    Deuce is the score in a game of tennis when both players have forty points. One player has to win two points one after the other to win the game.

deuce 英英释义



1. one of the four playing cards in a deck that have two spots

    Synonym: two

2. a word used in exclamations of confusion

    e.g. what the devil
           the deuce with it
           the dickens you say

    Synonym: devildickens

3. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number

    Synonym: two2II

4. a tie in tennis or table tennis that requires winning two successive points to win the game

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