
descend [dɪˈsend]  [dɪˈsɛnd] 


descend 基本解释

动词降临; 下来,下降 ; 下斜; 突然造访

descend 同义词


descend 反义词


descend 相关例句


1. The custom has descended to our day.

2. danci.edu.pub

2. You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot.

3. The bandits descended on the defenseless village.


4. Bob and his girl friend descended on us for the weekend.

5. He descended from the top of the mountain.

descend 网络解释

1. descend在线翻译

1. 下降:叶节点代表处理器,内部节点代表交换机. 胖树中的路由交换是相对简单的,因为两个处理节点间只会有一个最短路径. 路径包括上升(ascend)和下降(descend)阶段. 上升阶段直到找到最低的公共祖先. 下降阶段找到目的节点.

2. 下:有许多depression的同义字,开头两个字母都一样,如despondent(丧气)与dejected(灰心),源于拉丁文的前缀de-,便是向下(descend)的意思. 精神科医师以失去乐趣(anhedonia)来描述某人失去了享受事物的能力. 这是界定忧郁症候群的特征之一,

3. 降序:拖动鼠标可标记文件等.对于排序依据的字段值,按从小到大排列记录的称为升序(Ascend)排列,从大到小排列记录的称为降序(Descend)排列.视图(view)是在数据库表的基础上创建的一种虚拟表.所谓虚拟是指视图的数据是从已有的数据库表或其他视图中提取的,

descend 词典解释

1. 下来;下降;走下
    If you descend or if you descend a staircase, you move downwards from a higher to a lower level.

    e.g. Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar...
    e.g. She descended one flight of stairs.

2. (情绪、气氛等)降临,笼罩
    When a mood or atmosphere descends on a place or on the people there, it affects them by spreading among them.

    e.g. An uneasy calm descended on the area...
    e.g. A reverent hush descended on the multitude.

3. (大批人)突然到来,突然造访
    If a large group of people arrive to see you, especially if their visit is unexpected or causes you a lot of work, you can say that they have descended on you.

    e.g. 3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money...
    e.g. Curious tourists and reporters from around the globe are descending upon the peaceful villages.

4. (夜幕、黄昏、黑暗等)降临
    When night, dusk, or darkness descends, it starts to get dark.


    e.g. Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.

5. 降低身份;堕落;沦落
    If you say that someone descends to behaviour which you consider unacceptable, you are expressing your disapproval of the fact that they do it.

    e.g. We''re not going to descend to such methods...
    e.g. She''s got too much dignity to descend to writing anonymous letters.

6. 陷入(糟糕境地)
    When you want to emphasize that the situation that someone is entering is very bad, you can say that they are descending into that situation.


    e.g. He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.

descend 英英释义


1. come as if by falling

    e.g. Night fell
           Silence fell

    Synonym: fallsettle

2. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way

    e.g. The temperature is going down
           The barometer is falling
           The curtain fell on the diva
           Her hand went up and then fell again

    Synonym: fallgo downcome down

3. do something that one considers to be below one''s dignity

    Synonym: condescenddeign

4. come from
    be connected by a relationship of blood, for example

    e.g. She was descended from an old Italian noble family
           he comes from humble origins

    Synonym: derivecome

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