名词面额; 教派; 宗派; 正>名称
1. Among Christians there are many denominations.
2. What religious denomination does he belong to?
1. 面值:这套邮票由6枚邮票和一枚小型张(miniature sheet)组成,面值(denomination)分别为80分、120分和6元. 这套邮票也有小版和大版两种不同的版式(setting),还有不干胶小全张(non-drying adhesive souvenir sheet).
2. 命名:「一间公司(Corporation)是由国家(State)法律批准的一个组织,通常有很多成员,以一个特别的命名(Denomination)及政制(Politic)而存在. 这公司的独特个性是与其成员的个性分开,但因为有了法律的特许,无论成员怎样变动,公司的个性会继续存在.
3. 面额:买进与标的股票连结之看多型高收益票券,若评价日(Valuation Date)股价不跌破履约价,投资人即可享有事前约定的高额年收益率发行价格一般采用折价发行,亦即发行者以低於面额(Denomination)方式将该票券售予投资人,两者之间的价差即为投资人收益.
1. (同一宗教中的)教派,宗派
A particular denomination is a particular religious group which has slightly different beliefs from other groups within the same faith.
e.g. Acceptance of women preachers varies greatly from denomination to denomination.
2. (钞票或硬币的)面额,面值
The denomination of a banknote or coin is its official value.
e.g. ...a pile of bank notes, mostly in small denominations.
1. identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
Synonym: appellationdesignationappellative
2. a class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money
e.g. he flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations
3. a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith