1. And He said to them, It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, ''''but you are making it a den of robbers.
太 21:13 和合本对他们说:经上记著说:我的殿必称为祷告的殿,你们倒使他成为贼窝了。
2. But you have made it''a den of robbers.''
3. Has this house which is called by My name become a den of robbers in your eyes?
7:11 这称为我名下的殿,在你们眼中成了贼窝么?
4. Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes?
7:11 这称为我名下的殿、在你们眼中、岂可看为贼窝麼。
5. But you have made it `a den of robbers.''
6. Saying to them, It is written, And My house shall be a house of prayer, ''''but you have made it a den of robbers.
19:46 对他们说,经上记著,「我的殿必作祷告的殿。」你们倒使它成为贼窝了。
7. den of robbers是什么意思
7. Mt.21:13 And He said to them, It is written, `` My house shall be called a house of prayer, ''''but you are making it a den of robbers.
8. " Here lived a den of robbers who preyed on all who passed this way, " Illyrio said.