名词谵妄; 神志昏迷; 极度兴奋; (因酒精中毒引起的)震颤性谵妄
1. delirium的解释
1. 谵妄:1.1 谵妄 谵妄(delirium)是指在术后数天内发生的一种可逆的和波动性的急性精神紊乱综合征,以意识、定向力、注意力、记忆、思维、感知觉、行为的变化以及急性起病、波动病程为特征[3].
2. 精神错乱:Ian Mill又指,华懋一方的精神科专家Peter Jones提及造成妄想精神错乱(Delirium)的原因包括化疗及药物反应,但没有提出证据证明龚如心因此而患上妄想精神错乱,而龚的血红蛋白指数及血电解质指数只於个别日子出现下降的情况,
3. 谵语:Deficiency-excess mixing 虚实夹杂 | Delirium 谵语 | Diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine 中医诊法
4. 精神狂乱:delirious 神志昏迷的 | delirium 精神狂乱 | delitescence 潜伏期
1. 谵妄;神志不清;说胡话
If someone is suffering from delirium, they are not able to think or speak in a sensible and reasonable way because they are very ill and have a fever.
e.g. In her delirium, she had fallen to the floor several times.