
decoration [ˌdekəˈreɪʃn]  [ˌdɛkəˈreʃən] 


decoration 基本解释


名词装饰品; 装饰,装潢; 装饰图案,装饰风格; 奖章

decoration 相关例句


1. They are putting up decorations for the festival.

decoration 情景对话


A:You have a lovely house, Jack.


B:Thank you. Yeah, it's home, but a number of things have been going wrong lately.


A:That's too bad. What problems are you having?

B:Oh, the whole house needs re-painting, for starters. The carpet in the living room is worn out, and I'd like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. Last week, I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet. Anyway, all par for the course when you own a house, I guess. I think I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over.

A:I've studied Western home decoration as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions?

B:Go right ahead.


A:Well, I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room, and maybe some new drapes for the windows. Also, a grandfather clock would look great in the den. Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room.

B:Wow! You really do have a talent for this, Ethabella. Thanks for your suggestions.

A:You are welcome, Jack. Glad to be of help.

decoration 网络解释

1. 装修:同时,冰淇淋店装修(decoration)方面也是很重要的因素:现在市场普遍销售的冰淇淋为两大类:软式冰淇淋、硬式冰淇淋,其中软式冰淇淋是人们消费的主体. 它又分为意大利式冰淇淋、德国式冰淇淋、美国式冰淇淋三小类. 每种风格的冰淇淋除了名字不同,

2. decoration

2. 室内装潢:您当前的位置: >> 雅思(ielts)听力考试第一部分场景分析汇总雅思(ielts)听力考试第一部分场景分析汇总时间, 地点, 收费, 购买物品, 广告地点(poster), 安排事项, 室内装潢(decoration), 对代表(delegate)的收费, 需要参加者自带的东西,

3. 装潢:关于万圣节,人们或多或少都有了一定的感性认知:知道万圣节期间,许多公共场所乃至居家院落,都会布置上很多装潢(decoration),诸如各式鬼怪呀、南瓜灯(Jack-o-Lantern)呀、还有黑猫(black cat)以及巫婆(witch)的扫帚(broom)之类;

decoration 词典解释

1. (室内的)装饰,装潢
    The decoration of a room is its furniture, wallpaper, and ornaments.

    e.g. The decoration and furnishings had to be practical enough for a family home...
    e.g. With its simple decoration, the main bedroom is a peaceful haven.

2. 装饰(的特定方面)
    Decorations are features that are added to something in order to make it look more attractive.

    e.g. The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror...
    e.g. The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate.

3. (彩纸、气球等)装饰品,点缀物
    Decorations are brightly coloured objects such as pieces of paper and balloons, which you put up in a room on special occasions to make it look more attractive.

    e.g. Festive paper decorations had been hung from the ceiling.

4. 勋章;奖章;荣誉称号
    A decoration is an official title or honour which is given to someone, usually in the form of a medal, as a reward for military bravery or public service.

    e.g. He was awarded several military decorations.

5. see also: decorate

decoration 英英释义


1. the act of decorating something (in the hope of making it more attractive)

2. something used to beautify

    Synonym: ornamentornamentation

3. an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event

    Synonym: laurel wreathmedalmedallionpalmribbon

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