1. 归零:)> 数字谋杀案/杀人习作/数字杀机/拿命线索(Murder by Numbers)> 血色玫瑰/红色玫瑰(Rose Red)> 少数派报告/未来报告/关键报告(Minority Report)> 上帝之手/神谕之谋杀(Frailty)> 刀走偏锋/归零(Cypher)> 互动杀人事件
2. 归零.刀走偏锋:情节比较无聊,怎么看怎么不像在火星上,装备也很土大蛇对大蟒(BOA VS PYTHON) 一般的片子,电脑特技不真实,情节有些乱沙海魔怪(The Bone Snatcher) 又是小成本制作影片,特效也很一般归零/刀走偏锋(Cypher) 一部有些怪异的片子,
3. 零:恐惧(Below) 数字谋杀案/杀人习作/数字杀机/拿命线索(Murder by Numbers) 血色玫瑰/红色玫瑰(Rose Red) 少数派报告/未来报告/关键报告(Minority Report) 上帝之手/神谕之谋杀(Frailty) 刀走偏锋/归零(Cypher) 互动杀人事件(I
1. -> see cipher
1. a message written in a secret code
Synonym: cipher
2. a secret method of writing
Synonym: ciphercryptographsecret code
3. a person of no influence
Synonym: ciphernobodynonentity
4. a quantity of no importance
e.g. it looked like nothing I had ever seen before
reduced to nil all the work we had done
we racked up a pathetic goose egg
it was all for naught
I didn''t hear zilch about it
Synonym: nothingnilnixnadanullaughtciphergoose eggnaughtzerozilchzipzippo
5. a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number