1. 曲度:维多利亚中期一贯地显示出洛可可一路易15风格(Rococo-LouisXV),夸张的比例和曲度(curvature),大量的水果及花朵雕刻,主要都雕在胡桃木,有些则雕在玫瑰木(rosewood)与桃花心木上,以及新形状如法国第二帝国(French SecondEmpire)内之图案.
2. 曲率/弯曲:Cumulativeprobability,累计概率 | Curvature,曲率/弯曲 | Curvature,曲率
1. 弯曲;曲度;(尤指)圆弧
The curvature of something is its curved shape, especially when this shape is part of the circumference of a circle.
e.g. ...the curvature of the earth...
e.g. He suffered from curvature of the spine.
1. the property possessed by the curving of a line or surface
Synonym: curve
2. the rate of change (at a point) of the angle between a curve and a tangent to the curve
3. (medicine) a curving or bending
often abnormal
e.g. curvature of the spine