名词受难; 刑罚; 被钉死在十字架; 苦痛的考验
1. 十字架:神爱世人 - 圣经记载, 主耶稣基督为救赎世人, 承担了了众人的罪被钉死在十字架(crucifixion)上, 并在三日后复活, 而复活节就是纪念耶稣死后第三天复活(Resurrection of Jesus)的神迹奇事.
1. 捆死(或钉死)在十字架上(罗马帝国时期常见)
Crucifixion is a way of killing people which was common in the Roman Empire, in which they were tied or nailed to a cross and left to die.
e.g. ...her historical novel about the crucifixion of Christians in Rome.
2. 耶稣受难
The Crucifixion is the crucifixion of Christ.
e.g. ...the central message of the Crucifixion.
1. the infliction of extremely painful punishment or suffering
Synonym: excruciation
2. the act of executing by a method widespread in the ancient world
the victim''s hands and feet are bound or nailed to a cross