
crow [krəʊ]  [kroʊ] 


crow 基本解释

名词乌鸦; 雄鸡的啼声

不及物动词公鸡啼鸣,报晓; 欢呼; (尤指在其他人不成功时)扬扬自得地夸口

crow 相关词组

1. as the crow flies : 笔直地;

2. eat crow : 做使自己丢脸的事;

crow 相关例句


1. She crowed over his disappointment.

2. He crowed about his promotion.


1. The rooster''s crow woke me.

crow 网络解释

1. (公鸡)啼鸣;喔喔声:coo:鸽子、斑鸠咕咕声 | crow:公鸡啼鸣;喔喔声 | grunt:猪等咕噜声

2. danci.edu.pub

2. 叫,鸣叫:搅动 stir | 叫,鸣叫 crow | 叫喊(动物声) yip

crow 词典解释

1. 乌鸦
    A crow is a large black bird which makes a loud, harsh noise.

2. (公鸡)打鸣,啼叫
    When a cock crows, it makes a loud sound, often early in the morning.

    e.g. The cock crows and the dawn chorus begins.

3. 对…洋洋自得;为…自鸣得意
    If you say that someone is crowing about something they have achieved or are pleased about, you disapprove of them because they keep telling people proudly about it.

    e.g. Edwards is already crowing about his assured victory...
    e.g. We''ve seen them all crowing that the movement is dead.

4. 欢叫;高兴地说
    If someone crows, they make happy sounds or say something happily.

    e.g. She was crowing with delight...
    e.g. ''I''m not sure I''ve ever driven a better lap,'' crowed a delighted Irvine.

5. 成直线地;笔直地
    If you say that a place is a particular distance away as the crow flies, you mean that it is that distance away measured in a straight line.


    e.g. I live at Mesa, Washington, about 10 miles as the crow flies from Hanford.

crow 英英释义


1. black birds having a raucous call

2. an instance of boastful talk

    e.g. his brag is worse than his fight
           whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade

    Synonym: bragbraggingcrowingvaporingline-shootinggasconade

3. the cry of a cock (or an imitation of it)


1. express pleasure verbally

    e.g. She crowed with joy

2. utter shrill sounds

    e.g. The cocks crowed all morning

3. dwell on with satisfaction

    Synonym: gloattriumph

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