1. Make-up is the next session, the Department of the cultural make-up artist Jing Dong Yuan, through a step-by-step makeup for the model on the ground and the make-up demonstration of the process in detail. And make us attention the course of demonstrations of make-up skills.
接下来的化妆环节中,文化交流部的化妆师董静远通过为现场 model 一步步地上妆,示范了化妆的详细过程,并在示范过程中讲解了许多化妆的技巧和注意事项。
2. This course features video of a complete class session with guest speaker, Richard Rowe, Founder of RoweCom.
本课程主要是由RoweCom公司创办者、客座演讲嘉宾Richard Rowe主讲的一套课堂教学录像。
3. Comments: A good rule of thumb is for each faculty member to lead about three breakouts of the six in each Part. Consideration should be given to limiting the number of breakouts assigned to a faculty member because it takes time and effort for a faculty member to be completely familiar with the course material and to plan his/her approach to the session.
4. The course starts at the beginning of September with a pre-session, not obligatory Business English and Mathematics course.
5. Given that nearby cafés can charge as much for a main course at lunchtime, the price of the session was remarkably low at?
6. course session是什么意思
6. When I went the ski shop nearby to book a training session, I was told the individual training didn`t need to book in advance here and I could go to Murren directly and book a morning course.
7. Following Canadian boy`s instruction, I must go to ski shop to book a skiing session first, take bus to train station afterwards, and take the train to Lauterbrunne, where I should take another train to Murren, and change to a village, where Ski School lies. Only after taking the training course, could I go up to skiing field sent by Grindelwald chair especially for skiers.
8. The Reds enjoyed their first run-out on Singapore soil at the Jalon Bezar sports club in early evening. The full squad took part in the session, though of course Martin Skrtel and Nabil El Zhar were notable absentees after picking up injuries in Thailand. They will arrive back in England on Friday when they will undergo scans.
9. Over the course of a trading session, you will often see the colour of a price changing between
10. To prison, till fit time Of law and course of direct session Call thee to answer.
11. So overall, the trading session was one of a choppy consolidation which could be set to stay on the same course ahead of ECB and G20 meetings on Thursday.
整体来说,交易时段是属为价格震荡时段,周四的 ECB 和 G20会议会持续。短中期势为横向式,中长期趋势为牛市。
12. This is the appetizer of the meeting. The session master will invite volunteers to tell jokes to cheer attendees up. This will make members and guests relaxed and delighted. Of course, the best joke teller will be awarded at the end of the meeting. It is very suitable for new members to have a short talk in front of audiences before his/her first prepared speech.
13. Using our course case study this session will build on accounting issues and ratio calculation.
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14. I just want to mention when about eight weeks ago we had a phone conversation, and we talked about this session, and we talked about the length, and, of course, in the Davos tradition I said 10 minutes.
15. After a tough negotiation with the interviewer, he accepted my term of no more than 25 working hours per week, so I can have time to go through my info-session course---one organization that helps new immigrants achieve their goals as quickly and efficiently as they may expect.
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16. The authors note that more information is needed concerning optimal stimulation parameters, including number of stimuli per session, number of sessions per week, and optimum length of a course of stimulation. They recommend testing a longer period of rTMS treatment in a similar population.
17. A course planning session is scheduled for July 27th at 8pm Eastern US time at http://edtechtalk. com.
将在7月27日当地时间晚8点在 http://edtechtalk.com 。
18. I am the **** university economic specialized 2008 session of undergraduate course graduate.
19. Expectations with respect to the major assignment will be discussed during the final session of the course.
20. You may attend one or both sessions, but you may only select ONE course from each session.
1. The course turned out to be a staff sharing session about how successful they felt after joining the company and not about sales practices.