
coupon [ˈku:pɒn]  [ˈku:pɑ:n] 


coupon 基本解释

名词优惠券; 息票,通票; 试样,试件; 配给券

coupon 相关例句


1. I''ve kept the special coupon from the box of washing powder, so that I can get my next box cheaper.

coupon 网络解释

1. 息票:尽管如此,两者之间有一个非常重要的,也是很难对付的差别:债券有一个息票(coupon)和到期日,从而可以确定未来现金流. 而对于股票投资,投资分析师则必须自己估计未来的'息票'. 另外管理人员的能力和水平对于债券的影响甚少,

2. coupon是什么意思

2. 票息:且随著景气持续扩张,利差将有机会进一步缩小,其中,投资等级公司债虽近期受美国公债殖利率上扬而出现回档压力,但中长期投资价值仍较公债更具吸引力;高收益债则持续受惠资金行情而走扬,加上目前票息(coupon)约10.5%(资料时间:Bloomberg,

3. 试样:此种试验是利用特定试样(Coupon)中的一组加热用的电阻线路,在通电后使样板快速升温到150℃,停电后又降回到室温的快速热循环做法,以检查试样中另一组待测之互连线路在电阻值上的变化情形.

coupon 词典解释

1. (购物的)赠券,优惠券
    A coupon is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product, or to get it free.

    e.g. Bring the coupon below to any Tecno store and pay just £10.99.
    e.g. ...a 50p money-off coupon.

2. (剪自报刊的)咨询单,订货单,参赛表
    A coupon is a small form, for example in a newspaper or magazine, which you send off to ask for information, to order something, or to enter a competition.

    e.g. Send the coupon with a cheque for £18.50, made payable to ''Good Housekeeping''...
    e.g. He was filling in his pools coupon.

coupon 英英释义


1. a test sample of some substance

2. a negotiable certificate that can be detached and redeemed as needed

    Synonym: voucher

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