1. 聚宝盆:是欧西里斯与艾西斯或者 Banebdjetet与Hatmehit的儿子他被描绘成一个含着手指的裸体男孩,与母亲一起坐在一朵莲花上这种形态的荷鲁斯是一位生育之神,他经常端着一个聚宝盆(cornucopia)在罗马帝国时期,Har-pa-Khered的形象广为流传,
2. 丰收之角:在她的四周环绕著密西根州经济的象征,包括犁与丰收之角(cornucopia)以及一顶代表农业的桂冠,其他的象征标志另代表运输、...
3. 丰富:cornual 角的 | cornucopia 丰富 | cornucopian 丰富的
1. 丰盛;丰富;丰饶
A cornucopia of things is a large number of different things.
e.g. ...a cornucopia of fruits...
e.g. ...a table festooned with a cornucopia of fruit.
1. the property of being extremely abundant
e.g. the profusion of detail
the idiomatic richness of English
Synonym: profusionprofusenessrichness
2. a goat''s horn filled with grain and flowers and fruit symbolizing prosperity
Synonym: horn of plenty