
cook [kʊk]  [kʊk] 


cook 基本解释

及物/不及物动词烹调; 编造; 篡改; 密谋

及物动词煮; 烹调

不及物动词烹调; 做菜

名词厨师; 厨子

cook 相关例句


1. cook的意思

1. He might have cooked the books.

2. I haven''t cooked the dinner.


1. She often cooks for them.

2. What''s cooking there?

cook 情景对话



A:Hello, Oriental Hotel.

B:I’d like to speak to Michael Baker, please.

A:I’m sorry, Mr. Baker is not in. May I take a message?

B:Yes. Tell him Mr. Cook called and ask him to return my call as soon as he gets back.

A:All right, Mr. Cook. I’ll have Mr. Baker call you back as soon as he gets here.



A:What would you like to drink, Xiao Wang?


B:Why don’t we start off with a little Mao-tai?

A:Great idea! Catherine, will you join us?

C:I certainly will. The more, the merrier. To your health!

A:To your health!

B:And to yours!

B:Have some of this roast beef and some Yorkshire pudding to go with it. Help yourself to vegetables.

B:This is marvelous. What a wonderful cook you are.

A:Some of the credit should go to me. I made the pudding!

Utilities & Furniture-(家具)

A:This is a nice place, but you need to get some furniture.

B:I have some I can bring from our place, and there’s some more out at my parents’.


A:Do you have a bed?


B:Yeah. I have one from college at my parents’ house.

A:Can I take a shower?

B:Sure, but I don’t have hot water, yet.



B:No, they’re coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on. My phone should be working then, too.

A:Well, do you want to go get some dinner?

B:Yeah, I can’t cook anything until tomorrow, anyway.

cook 网络解释

1. cook的反义词

1. 厨师:厨师(Cook)只背责筹备,腌造和烹调食品. 纲后有四万多家西餐馆遍及澳洲大大大大的乡村,固然每年都有大量的大厨师涌进澳洲,但仍旧知足不了其需要质,其中里正点师不只可以获得职业评价最高分60分,因为在紧缺专业中,


2. 烹调:您没有按下烹调 (COOK) 或 稀饭这款飞利浦产品符合关于电磁场 (EMF) 的所有相关标准. 据目前的科学证明,如果正确使

cook 词典解释

1. 烹饪;烹调;煮;烧
    When you cook a meal, you prepare food for eating by heating it.

    e.g. I have to go and cook the dinner...
    e.g. Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen...

Her hobbies include music, dancing, sport and cooking.

2. 烧(熟);煮(熟)
    When you cook food, or when food cooks, it is heated until it is ready to be eaten.


    e.g. ...some basic instructions on how to cook a turkey...
    e.g. Let the vegetables cook gently for about 10 minutes...

3. 厨师;炊事员
    A cook is a person whose job is to prepare and cook food, especially in someone''s home or in an institution.

    e.g. They had a butler, a cook, and a maid.

4. 做饭的人;烹饪者
    If you say that someone is a good cook, you mean they are good at preparing and cooking food.


5. 篡改数据;做假账
    If you say that someone has cooked the books, you mean that they have changed figures or a written record in order to deceive people.

6. see also: cooking

You often use a more specific verb instead of cook when you are talking about preparing food using heat. For example, you roast meat in an oven, but you bake bread and cakes. You can boil vegetables in hot water, or you can steam them over a pan of boiling water. You can fry meat and vegetables in oil or fat. You can also grill or, in American English, broil them directly under or over a flame. You do not normally talk about grilling bread. Instead, you toast it.
谈论烹调时,通常使用具体的动词代替 cook,如 roast meat in an oven (在烤箱中烤肉),bake bread and cakes (烤面包和蛋糕),boil vegetables in hot water (用水煮蔬菜)或者 steam them over a pan of boiling water (放在装有沸水的平底锅里蒸),fry meat and vegetables in oil or fat (用油炒肉和蔬菜),也可以 grill them directly under or over a flame (直接在火上面烧烤),美国英语中使用 broil。烤面包通常不用 grill,而用 toast。

相关词组:cook up

cook 英英释义



1. someone who cooks food


1. transform and make suitable for consumption by heating

    e.g. These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes

2. transform by heating

    e.g. The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle

3. prepare for eating by applying heat

    e.g. Cook me dinner, please
           can you make me an omelette?
           fix breakfast for the guests, please

    Synonym: fixreadymakeprepare

4. prepare a hot meal

    e.g. My husband doesn''t cook

5. tamper, with the purpose of deception

    e.g. Fudge the figures
           cook the books
           falsify the data

    Synonym: fudgemanipulatefakefalsifywanglemisrepresent

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