
convulsion [kənˈvʌlʃn]  [kənˈvʌlʃən] 


convulsion 基本解释

名词动乱; [医]抽搐; 大笑; 震动

convulsion 相关例句


1. The child''s convulsions filled us with fear.

2. The story was so funny that we were all in convulsions.

convulsion 网络解释

1. 惊厥:摘要: 惊厥(convulsion)是由多种疾病引起的小儿常见急症,多见于婴幼儿,它是神经系统功能暂时紊乱,神经细胞的异常放电现象,大多由于过量的中枢神经性冲动引起,表现为全身或局部骨骼肌群突然发生不自主呈强直性和阵挛性抽搐,常伴有意识障碍.

2. 痉挛:早期的症状包括疲惫、虚弱、头痛、意识混乱或有幻觉、步态不稳及失去方向感、然后是肌张力丧失,有时会有痉挛(convulsion )现象及昏迷;如果中心体温超过摄氏四十一度,则死亡率非常高.

3. convulsion的反义词

3. 抽搐:其他的如脑水肿(cerebral edema),脸部神经麻痹(face paresis),无法行走(ataxia),抽搐(convulsion)等则偶而可见肝脏毒性 暂时性、可回复的肝脏损伤约在24至96小时出现.

4. 抽搐 Coroner 验尸官:contributory cause of death 间接死因 | convulsion 抽搐 Coroner 验尸官 | coroner system 验尸官制度

convulsion 词典解释

1. 抽搐;痉挛
    If someone has convulsions, they suffer uncontrollable movements of their muscles.

2. (国家、体系、组织发生的)动乱,骚乱
    If there are convulsions in a country, system, or organization, there are major unexpected changes in it.

    e.g. ...the political convulsions that led to de Gaulle''s return to power in May 1958.
    e.g. ...the great convulsion of the eighteenth century.

convulsion 英英释义


1. a physical disturbance such as an earthquake or upheaval

2. a violent disturbance

    e.g. the convulsions of the stock market

    Synonym: turmoilupheaval

3. violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles

4. a sudden uncontrollable attack

    e.g. a paroxysm of giggling
           a fit of coughing
           convulsions of laughter

    Synonym: paroxysmfit

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