1. She showed constraint in the presence of the strangers.
2. He acted under constraint.
1. 约束(条件):约束条件(constraint)是定义一个或多个条件的一种方法,用户的输入在被Oracle接收进表之前必须满足这些条件. 检查(check)约束条件允许定义为了输入的数据被Oracle数据库接收,数据必须满足的条件. 可以给表的每个列定义一个检查约束条件.
2. 限制:DataSet 对象让我们可以很灵活的操作数据表内的数据,它的架构如下图所示: DataSet 对象是由许多数据表、数据表关联(Relation)、限制(Constraint)、记录(Row)以及字段(Column)对象的集合所组成;这意味着DataSet 架构内所有的成员都非常对象化,
3. 强制:我们有望通过两种一般类型的强制(constraint)来减弱专断性,也就是用来强迫像国家这样一个有权有势的行动者遵循直接相关的利益和思想观念. 第一种是强制设立行动的前提条件,以使基于局部利益的干涉变得极为困难. 比如说,
1. 限制;束缚;约束
A constraint is something that limits or controls what you can do.
e.g. Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of financial constraints...
e.g. Water shortages in the area will be the main constraint on development.
2. 克制
Constraint is control over the way you behave which prevents you from doing what you want to do.
1. the act of constraining
the threat or use of force to control the thoughts or behavior of others
2. a device that retards something''s motion
e.g. the car did not have proper restraints fitted
Synonym: restraint
3. the state of being physically constrained
e.g. dogs should be kept under restraint
Synonym: restraint