
connected [kə''nektɪd]  [kəˈnɛktɪd] 


connected 基本解释

形容词连接的,有关系的,有联系的; 连贯的; 有血统[婚姻]关系的

动词连接( connect的过去式和过去分词)

connected 相关例句


1. She is well connected socially.

connected 网络解释

1. 保持通话:保持通话(Connected) 从宽容点的角度来说,本片也不算差,实在没事可干的话可以用来打发时间,其实很多香港作品都这样,开头还是很紧凑的,制造的悬念和埋下的伏笔都很吸引人,但从中间开始就形散神也散,越到后面越脑残,

2. 连接的:RowSets有连接的(Connected)和非连接的(Disconnected,或称之为离线式的)两种类型. 非连接的记录集在提取数据时需要连接到数据源,但处于非连接状态时就不再需要JDBC驱动程序. 这种记录集体积小,常用来把数据发送给瘦客户端.

connected 词典解释

1. 有关的;有联系的
    If one thing is connected with another, there is a link or relationship between them.

    e.g. Have you ever had any skin problems connected with exposure to the sun?...
    e.g. The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations...

connected 英英释义


1. joined or linked together

2. stored in, controlled by, or in direct communication with a central computer

    Synonym: machine-accessible

3. plugged in

    e.g. first check to see whether the appliance is connected

4. being joined in close association

    e.g. affiliated clubs
           all art schools whether independent or attached to universities

    Synonym: affiliatedattached

5. wired together to an alarm system

    e.g. all the window alarms are connected

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