
confess [kənˈfes]  [kənˈfɛs] 


confess 基本解释

动词承认; 坦白; 供认; 悔过

confess 相关例句


1. He confessed himself to be unfaithful to his friends.

2. Mr Foster confessed that he''d broken the speed limit.

3. He confessed that he did not read the assigned book.

4. When the police questioned the man, he confessed.


1. The criminal confessed to the priest.

2. confess的翻译

2. Arthur confessed to the priest.

confess 网络解释

1. 承认:这个时候女孩,如果他承认(confess)他爱我,我会放弃一切(give up all)嫁给他. 但最后他什么也没有表示(do nothing of the kind),只是对方可以看到眼中都多了一股淡淡的忧伤(a touch of sadness). 当她穿上结婚礼服(bride's gown),

2. confess的解释

2. 忏悔:6.悔改(repent)和忏悔(confess)尼克E开利福大(NickKalivoda)在路易士安那州立大学的『成人教育系』担任教师十多年,专讲圣经学及圣经考古学. 他并教导『校园查经班』多年,从1986年开始作无线电广播讲解圣经专题. 他持有卫登大学圣经考古学的学士学位,

3. 告解:我国儒家的道德教化、西方基督教的告解(confess)观念,都支持这一点. 法律制度不是抽象、封闭的逻辑或概念体系,要随着社会的发展而调整和改变. 随着摄像、窃听技术的发展,随着人们越来越依赖新的科技手段来交流,

confess 词典解释

1. 承认,供认,坦白(自己做错的事)
    If someone confesses to doing something wrong, they admit that they did it.

    e.g. He had confessed to seventeen murders...
    e.g. Her husband confessed to having had an affair...

2. (向上帝或神甫)忏悔,告解(罪过)
    If someone confesses or confesses their sins, they tell God or a priest about their sins so that they can be forgiven.

    e.g. You just go to the church and confess your sins...
    e.g. Once we have confessed our failures and mistakes to God, we should stop feeling guilty.

3. 我承认,我必须承认(用来对自己的过失等略表歉意)
    You use expressions like ''I confess'', ''I must confess'', or ''I have to confess'' to apologize slightly for admitting something you are ashamed of or that you think might offend or annoy someone.

    e.g. I confess it''s got me baffled...
    e.g. I must confess I''m not a great enthusiast for long political programmes.

confess 英英释义


1. admit (to a wrongdoing)

    e.g. She confessed that she had taken the money

    Synonym: concedeprofess

2. confess to God in the presence of a priest, as in the Catholic faith

3. confess to a punishable or reprehensible deed, usually under pressure

    Synonym: squealfink

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