1. 主计长:政治体制:为二级制政府,中央为州政府,地方为八个县 (County) 政府;州长、副州长、州务卿、会计长 (Treasurer) 、主计长 (Comptroller) 、检察总长 (Attorney General) 等六个职位系直接选举,并直选二位联邦参议员及六位联邦众议员.
2. 审计官:审计audits | 审计官comptroller | (涉及租赁的)审慎性标准 prudential norms relevant to leasing
3. 专利局长:complete specification 完整的说明书 | comptroller 专利局长 | compulsory license 强制许可证
1. 审计员,审计官(主要用于官员的头衔中)
A comptroller is someone who is in charge of the accounts of a business or a government department; used mainly in official titles.
e.g. ...Robert Clarke, US Comptroller of the Currency.
1. someone who maintains and audits business accounts
Synonym: accountantcontroller