形容词互补的; 补充的,补足的
1. complementary
1. Yellow and blue are complementary colors.
1. 互补的:这些目的是有所区别但是互补的(complementary因此复合模式与装饰者模式两者可以同时(in concert)使用的. 两者的设计方式是让你构建应用系统时只是含入(plugging)对象而无须重新定义新的类. 这样会有一个抽象类拥有某些复合模式子类及某些装饰者模式子类;
2. 互补:4.3.2 互补(complementary)作用 ---- 46[19] 蒋本基,1999,建立国内净水场综合效能评估(CPE)制度研究,台湾省自来水公司,中华民国自来水协会,国立台湾大学环境工程研究所
3. 公共查询·英语单词
3. 补的:叫做新生物信息学的后者目的是从整体上理解生物,而基因组信息和数学模型扮演着互补的(complementary)角色. 从后基因组开始,这个新的生物信息学可能会给生物,生物学及人类带来新的前途.
4. 互补性:他们两人曾分别指出:互补性(complementary)及阶序性(hierarchical)是阿美族传统社会组织运作的主要原则. 经由本文的讨论,我们可以发现互补性与阶序性这两个原则,同时呈现在宜湾阿美族的传统岁时祭仪中,但呈现的形态则大异其趣. 当然,
1. 相互补充的;相辅相成的
Complementary things are different from each other but make a good combination.
e.g. To improve the quality of life through work, two complementary strategies are necessary...
e.g. Many plain tiles and complementary borders are also available...
2. 补充医学的(不同于西医的治疗方法,如针灸、顺势疗法)
Complementary medicine refers to ways of treating patients which are different from the ones used by most Western doctors, for example acupuncture and homoeopathy.
e.g. ...combining orthodox treatment with a wide range of complementary therapies.
1. either one of two chromatic colors that when mixed together give white (in the case of lights) or grey (in the case of pigments)
e.g. yellow and blue are complementaries
Synonym: complementary color
1. acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole)
Synonym: complementalcompleting
2. of words or propositions so related that each is the negation of the other
e.g. `male'' and `female'' are complementary terms