1. danci.911cha.com
1. 产业化:非营利组织为求自己自足,越来越依赖产业化(commercialization)来产生收益,产业化蓬勃发展犹如刀之两刃,非营利组织产业化活动虽然部分解决财务困境,然而非营利组织产业化亦遭受许多质疑,以利润为导向的商业行为,是否使自愿服务产生质变?
2. 商品化,商品化能力:commercial loan 商业贷款 | Commercialization 商品化,商品化能力 | commercialization of housing 住房商品化
1. the act of commercializing something
involving something in commerce
e.g. my father considered the commercialization of Christmas to be a sacrilege
the government tried to accelerate the commercialization of this development
both companies will retain control over the commercialization of their own products
Synonym: commercialisation