公共查询英语单词大全come at是什么意思

come at是什么意思 come at在线翻译 come at什么意思 come at的意思 come at的翻译 come at的解释 come at的发音 come at的同义词 come at的反义词

come at [kʌm æt]  [kʌm æt] 

come at 基本解释

袭击; 威胁; 找到; 得到


手机查看come at的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 公共查询大全 后发送 come at 即可

come at 相关例句


1. The man came at the boy with a stick.

2. come at的翻译

2. The purpose of the official inquiry was to come at the true facts of the event.

come at 情景对话


A:Could I (take a look/ look/ have a look) at it?

B:Sure. Come in.


A:Thank you for coming to see me off.

B:Not at all.

A:If I have time, I’ll come again.

B:You’re welcome at any time.

A:Thank you for your hospitality. I hope I didn’t cause you too much trouble during my stay.

B:You’re most welcome.

come at

A:I’m afraid I have to go now. The plane will take off soon.

B:Call us as soon as you get home.

come at在线翻译


Renting a house-(租房)


B:Hi, I’m Mary Smith.

come at的近义词

A:Hello, I’m the landlord. John Taylor.

B:Nice to meet you Mr. Taylor.

A:Please, call me John.

B:O.K., John. Well, can I have a look at the place?

come at的翻译

A:Sure. Come on it. We just finished rebuilding everything.

B:Oh, it hasn’t been painted yet.

A:No, we’re going to get that done next week.


B:Well. It’s certainly nice. You’ve done a great job.

come at的近义词

A:Thank you.

come at

B:The rent is $600 a month?

A:That’s right.

come at

B:Well, I think I’ll take it. Can I write you a check for the security deposit now? $1200?

come at在线翻译

A:Yeah. But why don’t you come by your office tomorrow to sign the lease?

come at的翻译

B:That would be fine.

come at

A:Thank you. See you tomorrow.

B:See you.

come at 网络解释

1. come at什么意思

1. 袭击;达到;得到:come across (越过...而)来到 | come at 袭击;达到;得到 | come before 在...之前来

2. 攻击:He drew his sword and thrust it at me.他拔剑向我刺来. | 21.come at攻击 | The bear came at him before he ran away.他还未来得及逃跑,熊就朝他扑来.

3. come at的解释

3. 袭击:come after 跟踪而来 | come at 袭击 | come to 总计

4. 向...扑过来,向...袭击:55come across偶然遇上 | 56come at向...扑过来,向...袭击 | 57come down倒下,(温度,价格)下降,病倒

come at 词典解释

1. 扑向;向…逼近
    If a person or animal comes at you, they move towards you in a threatening way and try to attack you.

    e.g. He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr Cox, who came at him with an axe.

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