形容词活泼的; 蹦蹦跳跳的; 公驹(似)的; 马驹(似)的
1. 公共查询·英语单词
1. 轻佻的:colter 犁刀 | coltish 轻佻的 | coltsfoot 款冬
2. 不守纪律的:colt小马 | coltish不守纪律的 | homely平凡的
3. coltish的反义词
3. 小马似的:coltish 轻佻的 | coltish 小马似的 | coltishunconstrained 不受拘束的
4. 放浪不拘的,似小马的:impassioned 慷慨激昂的 | coltish 放浪不拘的,似小马的 | wanton 顽皮的,放纵的
1. 撒欢儿的;欢蹦乱跳的;不守规矩的
A young person or animal that is coltish is full of energy but clumsy or awkward, because they lack physical skill or control.
e.g. ...coltish teenagers.
1. given to merry frolicking
e.g. frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes
Synonym: frolicsomefrolickyrollickingsportive