
color [''kʌlə(r)]  [ˈkʌlɚ] 


color 基本解释


名词美>颜色,色彩; 肤色,脸色,血色; 颜料,染料; 本质

动词美>给…涂颜色; 改变…的颜色; 粉饰,渲染,使带上色彩; 脸红


color 相关例句


1. The leaves start to colour in autumn.

2. Tom colored the picture red.


1. Primary colors of the spectrum are red, yellow and blue.

2. Stick to your colors.

3. His gift for description adds color to his stories.

color 情景对话


A:Do you cut both men’s and women’s hair?

C:Yes, we have various styles, such as hair bobbed and shoulder length hair. How do you want it?

A:I want a haircut and a shave, please.

B:I would like a shampoo and my hair dyed.


C:What shampoo do you prefer? And what color do you prefer?

C:How would you like your hair cut, sir?


A:I want to keep the same fashion.


B:I want my hair dyed black.

C:All right. Will you please sit over here?


A:Hello, can I help you?

B:Well, I'm looking for some winter clothes for my wife.

A:Oh, it is the high time for your purchasing in our clothes shop. We are now having a pre-season sale on all our winter apparel.

B:Really? What's that?

A:Everything for winter is 20% off.

B:I think my wife may favor the sweater in the shopwindow. And would you like to aid me to look for any skirts going with this sweater?

A:Sure. We have both skirts and trousers that would go well with the sweater. Look to this section.

B:I especially like this flowery skirt. My wife must be very elegant in them.

A:You have a good taste. It is very much in style this year.


B:But I don't think the green one fits her complexion. Do you have any of those skirts in light color or tan?

A:Look on the rack to your right.


B:Oh yes. I'll take this one. Can I pay with a traveler's check?

A:It's OK.


A:I am going to be home a little bit late tonight. You’ll have to have supper on your own.


B:Why is that?

A:There’s a big sale at Macy’s today. Everything is either buy one, get one free, or half price.

B:You’re not going to spend all of our money, are you?


A:Of course not. The offer is too good to pass up, isn’t it?

B:I guess so. Would you mind picking up some shirts for me if you see some?

A:Sure, which color would you like?

B:A green and a light blue one.

A:Ok. Would you like long sleeve or short sleeve shirts?


B:Long sleeves, please.


A:Do you need anything else?

B:Check out the appliances section. We could really need another washing machine.

A:Ok, I will. Hopefully that will be half off instead of buy one get one free.

B:Just have a look.

A:Anything else?

B:Actually, we could use a new lawn mower. And maybe a grill for the backyard.

A:Do you just want to come along? It might be easier if we both went.

B:Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go!

A:Do you have any money?

B:No, but I have plenty of credit cards.

A:Maybe I should hang on to those. I know what happens when you get around tools and machines!

color 词典解释

1. -> see colour

color 英英释义



1. the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person''s perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation

    Synonym: colour

2. an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading

    e.g. he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity
           he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction
           the situation soon took on a different color

    Synonym: semblanceglosscolour

3. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect

    e.g. a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light

    Synonym: colourcoloringcolouring

4. the timbre of a musical sound

    e.g. the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music

    Synonym: colourcolorationcolouration

5. interest and variety and intensity

    e.g. the Puritan Period was lacking in color
           the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness

    Synonym: colourvividness

6. (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction

    e.g. each flavor of quarks comes in three colors

    Synonym: colour

7. a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks)

    Synonym: colourpeople of colorpeople of colour

8. any material used for its color

    e.g. she used a different color for the trim

    Synonym: coloring materialcolouring materialcolour


1. change color, often in an undesired manner

    e.g. The shirts discolored

    Synonym: discolordiscolourcolour

2. add color to

    e.g. The child colored the drawings
           Fall colored the trees
           colorize black and white film

    Synonym: colorizecolorisecolourisecolourizecolourcolor incolour in

3. affect as in thought or feeling

    e.g. My personal feelings color my judgment in this case
           The sadness tinged his life

    Synonym: tingecolourdistort

4. give a deceptive explanation or excuse for

    e.g. color a lie

    Synonym: colourgloss

5. decorate with colors

    e.g. color the walls with paint in warm tones

    Synonym: colouremblazon

6. modify or bias

    e.g. His political ideas color his lectures

    Synonym: colour


1. having or capable of producing colors

    e.g. color film
           he rented a color television
           marvelous color illustrations

    Synonym: colour

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