1. 耳蜗:膜迷路与骨迷路之间充满外淋巴(peri1ymph),外淋巴含细胞外液样离子成分,呈高钠低钾. 内、外淋巴互不相通. 3.耳蜗 耳蜗(cochlea)耳蜗位于前庭的前面,形似蜗牛壳,主要由中央的蜗轴(modiolus)和周围的骨蜗管(osseous cochlear duct)组成(图5-1-27).
2. 蜗:1.耳蜗(cochlea)形似蜗牛壳,为螺旋样骨管,1.蜗管:为膜性螺旋管,蜗尖端为盲端,下端借连合管通入球囊,内含内淋巴液. 其切面呈三角形,介于前庭阶和鼓阶之间. 其上壁为前庭膜;其外侧壁增厚与骨蜗管的骨膜接连,因有血管增多名血管纹;
3. 蝸牛:clot-凝 | cochlea-蝸牛 | colitis-大腸炎
4. 胫骨蜗:声带突,见喉、环状软骨和甲状软骨 cocal process, see also larynx, crioid cartilage and thyroid cartilage | 胫骨蜗 cochlea | 胶原细胞 collagenous fiber
1. 耳蜗
The cochlea is the spiral-shaped part of the inner ear.
1. the snail-shaped tube (in the inner ear coiled around the modiolus) where sound vibrations are converted into nerve impulses by the organ of Corti