1. 小集团:小集团(clique)是社会网络的核心概念之一,直觉上的定义是:小集团是一个群体中的子群体,其成员彼此间的平均喜爱程度超过对其子群体外(大群体之内)的其他成员的平均喜爱程度(Davis, 1963:451).
2. 团:图概率模型中的一个很重要的结论指出,CRF输出随机变量值的条件概率与无向图中各个团(clique)势函数的乘积成正比.
3. 閥:譬如,在三个人的社群关系中,即将可能出现了两个人互动的情况所没有的派阀(clique)现象,同时也使得调停者(mediator)这样的角色得以呈现出来(Simmel 1950:145-153).
1. 派系;小集团
If you describe a group of people as a clique, you mean that they spend a lot of time together and seem unfriendly towards people who are not in the group.
e.g. Anna Ford recently hit out at the male clique which she believes holds back women in television.
1. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
Synonym: coterieingroupinner circlepackcamp