
climb [klaɪm]  [klaɪm] 


climb 基本解释

动词爬; 攀登; 上升; 登山

名词攀登; 山,岩; 增值; 晋升

climb 相关例句


1. We started to climb the hill.

2. Do you think you can climb that steep cliff?


1. The firemen climbed into their clothes.

2. Monkeys climb well.

3. danci.edu.pub

3. They climbed out through the window.


1. climb

1. The climb down was even harder than the climb up.

climb 情景对话



A:What’s the Mountaineering Club doing this weekend?


B:We are going to climb a cliff on the Colorado River.


A:How hard is the climb?

B:It is a very difficult climb because there are not many places to put your hands and feet.


A:What did you do last week?

B:We rappelled down the side of 300-foot cliff. It was very exciting.

A:Wow! That sounds like a lot of fun. I’m sorry I missed it.

B:Well, you should come this weekend. I think you could do the climb.

A:Yeah, I will. See you then!
      是的,我会的。到时候见 。


B:O.K. See you.

climb 网络解释

1. 攀登:故可推测Philippe不是在两楼之间扔(throw)绳子,也不是在两座楼间固定(fix)绳子,更不是绳子朝上攀登(climb). 8、反思维定势进行推测 针对学生猜题的心理,试题中常利用反猜手段设计一些似是而非的题目,利用学生的思维定势,

2. (爬升):根据统计,发生坠机事件次数,起飞(take off)占12%,爬升(climb)占13%,下降(descent)占3%,飞近机场(approach)占13%,着陆(landing)占45%. 而飞机在空中平稳行驶(cruise)时,只占6%.

3. 攀爬:Begonia 'Splotches'被分类为蔓性栽培种(trailing-scandent cultivar),这代表它是蔓行(trail)或是攀爬(climb),有一些品种在良好的环境下生长也是可以拥有这两种型态,这是Leslie Woodriff晚期所交配B.

climb 词典解释

    If you climb something such as a tree, mountain, or ladder, or climb up it, you move towards the top of it. If you climb down it, you move towards the bottom of it.


    e.g. Climbing the first hill took half an hour...
    e.g. He picked up his suitcase and climbed the stairs...

2. 小心翼翼地爬动
    If you climb somewhere, you move there carefully, for example because you are moving into a small space or trying to avoid falling.

    e.g. The girls hurried outside, climbed into the car, and drove off...
    e.g. He must have climbed out of his cot...

3. (飞机等)爬升,升高;(太阳)升高,上升
    When something such as an aeroplane climbs, it moves upwards to a higher position. When the sun climbs, it moves higher in the sky.


    e.g. The plane took off for LA, lost an engine as it climbed, and crashed just off the runway.

4. 增值;(数量)上涨,增加
    When something climbs, it increases in value or amount.

    e.g. The nation''s unemployment rate has been climbing steadily since last June...
    e.g. Prices have climbed by 21% since the beginning of the year...

5. see also: climbing
    a mountain to climb -> see mountain

相关词组:climb down

climb 英英释义


1. the act of climbing something

    e.g. it was a difficult climb to the top

    Synonym: mount

2. an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.)

    Synonym: climbingmounting

3. an upward slope or grade (as in a road)

    e.g. the car couldn''t make it up the rise

    Synonym: ascentacclivityriseraiseupgrade


1. increase in value or to a higher point

    e.g. prices climbed steeply
           the value of our house rose sharply last year

    Synonym: risego up

2. improve one''s social status

    e.g. This young man knows how to climb the social ladder

3. go up or advance

    e.g. Sales were climbing after prices were lowered

    Synonym: waxmountrise

4. go upward with gradual or continuous progress

    e.g. Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?

    Synonym: climb upmountgo up

5. move with difficulty, by grasping

6. slope upward

    e.g. The path climbed all the way to the top of the hill

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