
clap [klæp]  [klæp] 


clap 基本解释

及物/不及物动词拍手,鼓掌; 轻轻拍打某人; 急速放置; 振翼,拍翅膀

名词鼓掌,拍手; 拍手声; 噼拍声; 破裂声

不及物动词鼓掌,拍手; 啪地关上


clap 相关例句


1. The judge clapped the criminal in prison.

2. The audience clapped the pianist heartily.

3. clap在线翻译

3. He clapped his son on the back.

clap 网络解释

1. 拍手:以及树、花、秋千(swing)小狗、起居室,窗户、沙发、长椅、台灯、钢琴今天给宝宝放的是first moves,宝宝的第一次移动,看着生动的画面,想着将来自己的宝宝也会经历爬行(crawl),起来(get up),站起来(stand up),走路( walk),拍手( clap),坐下( sit),

2. 鼓掌:/cheer (鼓励) | /clap (鼓掌) | /congrats (恭喜)

3. clap在线翻译

3. 拍手声, 霹雳声 <单词词性>鼓掌, 轻拍:alertness 警戒, 机敏 | clap 拍手声, 霹雳声 单词词性>鼓掌, 轻拍 | grammaticize 使符合语法 讨论语法问题

4. 你用力地鼓掌:chuckle 你掩着嘴低声轻笑. | clap 你用力地鼓掌. | cold 你阴森森地说道 : 好冷喔.......

clap 词典解释

1. 鼓掌;拍手;拍巴掌
    When you clap, you hit your hands together to show appreciation or attract attention.


    e.g. The men danced and the women clapped...
    e.g. Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order...

2. 快速而有力地放置
    If you clap your hand or an object onto something, you put it there quickly and firmly.


    e.g. I clapped a hand over her mouth.

3. 轻拍(背或肩膀)
    If you clap someone on the back or on the shoulder, you hit their back or shoulder with your hand in a friendly way.

    e.g. While Onassis might clap a friend on the back, Niarchos would extend a businesslike hand.

4. 霹雳声;炸雷;响雷
    A clap of thunder is a sudden and loud noise of thunder.

5. to clap eyes on someone -> see eye

clap 英英释义


1. a sudden very loud noise

    Synonym: bangeruptionblastbam

2. a sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together
    may be repeated

    Synonym: clack

3. a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae
    symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra

    Synonym: gonorrheagonorrhoea



1. clap one''s hands together

    e.g. The children were clapping to the music

    Synonym: spat

2. clap one''s hands or shout after performances to indicate approval

    Synonym: applaudspatacclaim

3. strike together so as to produce a sharp percussive noise

    e.g. clap two boards together

4. strike with the flat of the hand
    usually in a friendly way, as in encouragement or greeting

5. put quickly or forcibly

    e.g. The judge clapped him in jail

6. strike the air in flight

    e.g. the wings of the birds clapped loudly

7. cause to strike the air in flight

    e.g. The big bird clapped its wings

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