
church service

church service 双语例句

1. Without being pushy, without monopolizing their time and only when the time is appropriate, let everyone you come in contact with on a regular basis – your neighbors, the merchants you frequent, members of your social, fraternal, service or civic club, your banker, members of your church – know what you do.

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2. Since then the Worship and Doctrine Measure of 1974 has given the Church of England greater freedom to control its liturgy, and in consequence the Alternative Service Book was published in 1980 to supplement with modern services, but not to supersede, the Book of Common Prayer.

3. We find that the period of one-way community ministry of Nan-Juang Presbyterian Church was not a long time, but a probationary period to contact with local community, especially some community parents. The collaboration between Nan-Juang Presbyterian Church and community parents implied an outset of community ministry transformation, i. e. a role-playing change from service provider to partnership.

4. For her efforts, Angelina has been honored with the Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program Humanitarian Award.

5. Proceeds are distributed to HIV-AIDS assistance projects in South Africa through Church World Service.

6. church service的近义词

6. A Mass is a kind of Church service.

7. church service

7. The chorus sings not only on the common church service and Christmas Eve, but also on other grand ceremony. For example, In 2005 the group sang songs 《 The Holy Savior 》、《 Incamation 》 on the completion celebration of Gulou Church, In 2008 the chorus performed songs 《 Sing Out Your Joy to God 》 and 《 Charles Gounod, 1818-1893》, on the Hangzhou Christian Hymns Groups Exchanging Conference which was held by ChongYi Church. On April 22nd, 2009 the group attended Zhang Weiqiao`s Master Graduation Concert and performed the anthems 《 Commit the Heavy Burdens to the LORD 》、《 Charles Gounod 》、《 Sing Out Your Joy to God 》、《 The Angel Song 》、《 Pure Natus 》
    城北堂圣歌团除了完成在教会平常礼拜时和历年在圣诞节的圣乐崇拜献唱之外,也于2005年杭州基督教会鼓楼堂的新堂落成庆典上献唱了《神圣救主》、《道生肉身》等曲;2008年杭州基督教会崇一堂举行的全杭州教会圣歌团交流会中献唱了弥赛亚神曲《向耶和华歌唱》和《上主怜悯我们》( Charles Gounod ,1818-1893年)等曲,2009年4月22日在杭州音乐厅参加了杭州师范大学音乐学院2009届合唱指挥硕士研究生张维巧老师的毕业音乐会,并献演了《将你重担交托主》、《上主怜悯我们》、《向耶和华歌唱》、《天使歌声》、《天赐纯恩》等歌曲。

8. church service的近义词

8. You will need to understand the role the church can play in any community service project in town.

9. We believe that the church, consisting of all true believers, being Christ''s own, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is the Body of Christ, the invisible church; that the church is holy, universal, and one in Christ; that the invisible church manifests itself in the visible church, local congregations consisting of all who profess to believe in Christ and are baptized; that as the people of God and a kingdom of priests the church is called to grow unto the stature of the fullness of Christ and to fulfill her mission through the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, in worship, sacraments, fellowship, discipline, and service.

10. The humanities show loving concern also should be in child`s educationthe eternal subject, for instance provides the opportunity to let thechild know century incurable illness and so on AIDS, cancer, lets theperson which how they learns to show loving concern has these to getsick; Let the child study loves around the parents, the love oldperson, the love person, the church child loves the old, weak, sickand disabled weak one; The belt child is 义工, the participationdonation and so on the charitable activity, raises child`s compassionand the benevolence, knew since childhood an own spot diligently, canhelp the person which has the need; The church child feels grateful, the thanks parents, periphery the thanks help us the person, providesthe service for us the person, the thanks society; Teaches the childto enjoy the life the joy, a flower, a sugar, cup of fruit juice, allhave the life to take to our joyful feeling, lets the child deeplylove the life since childhood, deeply loves the life......

11. I still felt a little tired, so I stayed in bed longer to rest. Then I fell asleep and dreamed that I was in an American church service, when the building began to move violently. Because they did not know what was happening, the people inside panicked and quickly began to run out. I succeeded in walking out also, but with every step I tried to take, it seemed like I was sinking into the ground. I began to look around to find something to support myself with so I could walk. I heard a voice that said, Look up, and see the heavens!

12. The climax of the Dickens Festival is in the big church where people hold service in memory of the great writer Charles Dickens.

13. church service

13. Today after church service, we will celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of David and Maggie Pang in the Social Hall. This celebration dinner will be in place of our regular potluck. All members and friends are invited to the celebration in the Social Hall.

14. church service

14. It is no light offense in the Church to set forth to the people a service devised by men, without the commandment of God, and to teach that such service justifies men.

15. In the following sixteen years, the Border Service Department subordinating to the Church of Christ in China directly went to the southwest minority regions to serve the frontier residents and be engaged in studies as to ethnology, religion, linguistics, sociology, medical science and others.

16. The man in charge of managing the food-for-work participants is Jean Denis, who was recommended by the local church. Denis used to be a high school teacher, but is now in community service. After the earthquake, his school collapsed and he was left with no job, and a partially collapsed home. Despite losing one of his sons, he quickly got over his grief. One of the good rooms in Denis''s home is now a storage space for Tzu Chi.

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17. His appetite is improved and he can take food. His fever has stopped for 3 days so he was able to take home leave last Sunday to attend the service at the church.

18. The four speakers are these: one from your family -- not just your 5nuclear family, but aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents have come from all around the country to attend; one from your friends that give a sense of what you were as a person, as a friend; one from your work, your profession, or outside activity; and one from your church or some community organization where you''ve been involved in giving service.

19. The four speakers are these; one from your family-- not just your nuclear family, but aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents have come from all around the country to attend; one from your friends that give a sense of what you were as a person, as a friend; one from your work, your profession, or outside activity; and one from your church or some community organization where you''ve been involved in giving service.

20. A mass is a kind of church service.

church service 单语例句

1. " The church''s formal service gave me a very strong sense of responsibility for our marriage, " Guo said.

2. Frances forced the cancellation of church services across much of the state, but seven people ventured out to attend a service at Miami Lakes United Methodist Church.

3. The shrine is the former Andrew''s Methodist Church where the first Mother''s Day service was held 100 years ago.

4. Hundreds of mourners filled the First United Methodist Church in Athens on Sunday at a memorial service in her hometown.

5. The church''s 11 am service had recently ended, and hundreds of people were milling about when the gunman opened fire.

6. A public memorial service will be held April 23 at All Saints by the Sea church in Montecito.

7. Just north of town the wind knocked the roof off a new church that has yet to hold its first service.

8. Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Robert Runcie led the traditional Church of England service, but he was assisted by clergymen from many denominations.

9. He gave a subtle signal about the need for more religious freedom in China by attending a Protestant church service near the Tiananmen.

10. " There will be no room for the public inside the church, " said local police officer Paul Diamond before the service.

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