1. 烟筒:敲打烟筒(chimney),用拾起的瓶子里的水将烟筒的盖子浇冷,拾起盖子. 将酒瓶放入烟囱,顿时,屋里一片烟雾,不一会,管理员就被呛出来了. 我又下梯子,从暗道(trapdoor)进入屋中,上去拾到面包(b.cuits). 再从暗道下去.
2. 烟囱式:斗钵高耸的直柄式叫做烟囱式(Chimney),上等人式(Topper),或者埃菲尔铁塔式(Eiffel Towers平底的斗钵和斗柄,可以不用依赖烟斗靠立起来. 这种斗型叫扑克式(Poker)这是温莎公爵(就是那位爱美人不爱江山的仁兄)的最爱斗型(另外他的最爱烟草品牌是 Dunhill).
3. (排气)烟囱:chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps一、二次泵冷水系统 | chimney(排气)烟囱 | circuit环路
1. 烟囱
A chimney is a pipe through which smoke goes up into the air, usually through the roof of a building.
e.g. This gas fire doesn''t need a chimney.
1. a vertical flue that provides a path through which smoke from a fire is carried away through the wall or roof of a building
2. a glass flue surrounding the wick of an oil lamp
Synonym: lamp chimney