
change state

change state 双语例句

1. The result showed that upon excitation compound C3 could form its intramolecular charge transfer state easily and furthermore transform to a twisted intramolecular charge transfer state accompanying with a very large change of dipole moment.

2. You talk to me you speak with me, don''t sink before you rise baby don''t fade away you hesitate you seem to wait for all the time we had feels like a world away who''s to say we''ll be ok we''re gonna make it through the night don''t wanna wake up in this state i just want us both to smile cause we''re the same and i know that we''ll never change look i bought your favourite ice cream i don''t wanna see it melt away if you walk out now i don''t know if we''re gonna be the same baby just talk with me cause i want you to stay here with me i want you to stay here with me

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Article 17 The selection or change of the managers and other senior managerial personnel of a fund manager shall be submitted to the securities regulatory department under the State Council for examination in accordance with the conditions for holding such office provided for by the present Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.

4. change state的意思

4. Article 17 The selection or change of the managers and other senior managerial personnel of a fund manager shall be submitted to the securities regulatory authority under the State Council for examination in accordance with the conditions for holding such office provided for by the present Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.

5. A Peripety is the change from one state of things within the play to its opposite of the kind described, and that too in the way we are saying, in the probable or necessary sequence of events; as it is for instance in _Oedipus_: here the opposite state of things is produced by the Messenger, who, coming to gladden Oedipus and to remove his fears as to his mother, reveals the secret of his birth.

6. To change one''s miserable destiny and establish a happy state of life takes continual courageous faith.

7. The CHG:SLK command is used to change the minor state of a signaling link.
    CHG:SLK 命令用于改变某个信令链路的次级状态。

8. The reliability of analysis result depends largely on the in-house experimental conditions. Unlike the previous analysis that only concerns the sole effect of permeable pressure, this article considers both permeable and confining pressure and deformation characteristics of concrete material under the interaction of them according to the real work state of construction, which may leads to the changing pattern of permeable rate as listed below: permeable rate always reaches its peak with the time process going on, than goes down and remains straight on some certain value; The PR will tend to decline while the confining pressure is increased, and the time taken before the peak will be extended as well; Under the constant permeable pressure and circularly changing confining pressure, the minus-exponential ascend and descend relationship could be applied between the PR and Time axes respectively with crannied and intact concrete samples, and the PR of crannied concrete is far more larger than that of intact concrete. The change pattern of concrete could also be mathematically analogized using the least square method.

9. However, as it is unlikely that the state of the MSD will change significantly in one day, one approach is to combine an autotune and quick tuning.

10. Wordworth in his preface contended, and most ably contended, for a reformation in our poetic diction, as he has envinced the truth of passion, and the dramatic propriety of those figures and metaphors in the original poets, which, stript of their justifying reasons and converted into mere artifices of connection or ornament, constitute the characteristics falsity in the poetic style of the moderns; and as far as ha has, with equal acuteness and clearness, pointed out the process by which this change was effected and the resemblances between that state into which the reader`s mind is thrown by the pleasurable confusion of thought from an unaccustomed train of words and images and that state which is induced by the natural language of impassioned feeling, he undertook a useful task and deserves all praise, both for the attempt and for the execution.

11. They are lower than the organs listed under Section 1 in administrative ranking and their institution, dismissal and change are decided by the State Council.

12. After the PRC established, the grain circulation systems have changed from the free buying and selling to the state monopoly for purchase and marketing, and from contracting in buying and selling to the grain marketability reform. Similarly, it`s also following this periodic change path.

13. change state的近义词

13. Analysis of the current state of deflation in China, three to five years will not change, almost all commodity prices are falling, but rising land prices, troubling trends and moving, not reasonable.

14. 公共查询·英语单词大全

14. Article 16 Temporary change of flag If a seagoing vessel registered in one State is permitted to fly temporarily the flag of another State, the following shall apply

15. The introduction of foreign equipment technology shares more than double the production of woven rope, more powerful, low elongation, abrasion resistance, smooth flexible, easy to operate features, 95 were classified as state-level new products, including polyester/polypropylene double Layers of woven rope abrasion resistance and anti-load performance to achieve change and pure polyester, the floating of a good.

16. Because the excavator hydraulic pressure system work in a circle, its status monitor change difficult to achieve, beside a handful of few quantisty of states that can be measured through the sensor, most character value which contain abundant information for example flow was hard to gain because of the high measuring cost, while appearing an excrescent circumstance in the excavator working process, can with experience or the simple instrument to check, the working efficiency is low and consumes largely, corresponding the maintenance cost to also rise significantly. how to get the fault information from existing several quantisty of state that measure easily is what people are studying continuously for.

17. With patience and confidence, we should be able gradually to change their state of mind.

18. change state什么意思

18. This system can change the synthetic wavelength chain according to the distance to be measured. The inphase state of the interference signals, which is difficult for phase measurement, can be avoided by changing the wavelength freely. In addition, this system can realize the dimension calibration between the workpiece and the gauge block at a shortest measuring chain.

19. From theoretical analyses and calculations, it has been confirmed that the local strains around Cr〓 in SrTiO〓: Cr〓 are about twice the bulk ones. It is found that the change of Dq〓 with pressure makes main contribution to PS of ground-state g factor of SrTiO〓: Cr〓. It is the admixtures of basic wave functions that cause the strain-induced splittings of t〓E and t〓A〓 levels of SrTiO〓: Cr〓. It is found that there are non-vanishing matrix elements of operators C, C and C between wave functions with positive M〓 and those with negative M〓 and the shortcomings in previous literature have been overcome.

20. Melancholy is a black cloud which can change one''s state of mind!

change state 单语例句

1. The State Council, the Cabinet and central Party organs are yet to officially announce the change.

2. Change doesn''t happen overnight, especially in a country impoverished by decades of state control of the economy.

3. Rarely has a leadership change in one EU member state created expectations of a real policy shift.

4. They have outdated reading materials and textbooks, and nobody really seems to be doing anything to change the sorry state of affairs.

5. " There is no change in the attitude of the State Administration of Taxation, " the official said.

6. The change in attitude follows the launch of a State regulation earlier in the year to safeguard the rights of adult students to have children.

7. Simply state that you like a new challenge or change of environment.

8. The draft resolution that sought to realize a regime change in Syria did not adequately reflect the state of affairs in this Middle East country.

9. One criterion has been developed to change the store signboards with regard to the disordered state of stores along the streets.

10. All activities that may change the nature of the area are strictly banned, without the permission of the State Council.

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