
challenge [ˈtʃæləndʒ]  [ˈtʃæləndʒ] 


challenge 基本解释

名词挑战; 质疑; 盘问; 怀疑

及物动词质疑; 向…挑战

不及物动词提出挑战,要求竞赛(或竞争); 驳斥

challenge 相关词组

1. rise to the challenge : 接受挑战;

2. beyond challenge : 无以伦比;

challenge 相关例句


1. The event challenges an explanation.

2. challenge是什么意思

2. The new position challenged him to study still harder during his spare time.

3. He challenged my view on that matter.


1. He wants a career that offers a challenge.

2. He received a challenge to a TV debate.

3. challenge的反义词

3. This examination is a real challenge.

challenge 网络解释

1. challenge是什么意思

1. 询问:如果WINS工作站请求登记的名字已经登记的话,则WINS服务器便会向拥有该名字的工作站发送一个询问(Challenge)信息. 如果WINS服务器收到拥有该名字的工作站的回答的话,WINS服务器将不会接受WINS工作站的注册请求,并给它发送一个Negative信号.

2. challenge的翻译

2. 难题:在项目内容上,中心更多关注企业在红海竞争中的创新发展难题(Challenge),并通过创新激励中心的资源优势,带动全中国乃至全世界的行业人才帮助企业解决这些问题,项目激励报酬预定在5000RMB至50万RMB之间.创新激励中心作为第三方,

3. 问题:用户代理在解析WWW-授权域值时要特别注意看看它是否包含一个以上的待解决问题(challenge)或是否提供了一个以上的WWW-授权标题域,因为待解决问题(challenge)的内容中可能包含用逗号分隔的授权参数列表.

4. challenge:chal; 质问,应答

challenge 词典解释

1. 挑战;难题
    A challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.

    e.g. I like a big challenge and they don''t come much bigger than this...
    e.g. The new government''s first challenge is the economy.

2. (成功地)应对挑战,迎接挑战
    If someone rises to the challenge, they act in response to a difficult situation which is new to them and are successful.

    e.g. The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities...
    e.g. They rose to the challenge of entertaining 80 schoolchildren for an afternoon.

3. (对真实性、价值、权威等提出的)怀疑,质疑
    A challenge to something is a questioning of its truth or value. A challenge to someone is a questioning of their authority.


    e.g. The demonstrators have now made a direct challenge to the authority of the government.

4. 怀疑,质疑(真实性、价值、权威等)
    If you challenge ideas or people, you question their truth, value, or authority.

    e.g. Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill...
    e.g. The move was immediately challenged by two of the republics...

5. 挑战;向…下战书
    If you challenge someone, you invite them to fight or compete with you in some way.


    e.g. A mum slashed a neighbour''s car tyre and challenged her to a fight after their daughters fell out...
    e.g. He left a note at the scene of the crime, challenging detectives to catch him...

6. (警卫)盘问,查问
    If someone is challenged by a guard, they are ordered to stop and say who they are or why they are there.

    e.g. The men apparently opened fire after they were challenged by a patrol.

7. see also: challenged
    see also: challenging

challenge 英英释义



1. a demand by a sentry for a password or identification

2. questioning a statement and demanding an explanation

    e.g. his challenge of the assumption that Japan is still our enemy

3. a formal objection to the selection of a particular person as a juror

4. a call to engage in a contest or fight

5. a demanding or stimulating situation

    e.g. they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power


1. raise a formal objection in a court of law

    Synonym: take exception

2. ask for identification

    e.g. The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard

3. issue a challenge to

    e.g. Fischer challenged Spassky to a match

4. take exception to

    e.g. She challenged his claims

    Synonym: disputegainsay

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