名词猫步; (桥侧的)步行小道,(机器房中的)狭窄过道,(时装表演时模特儿走的)伸展台
1. 狭小通道:来到地图上靠下面的那条狭小通道(CATWALK),按照500W, 125W, 750W, 250W的顺序分别将4个灯泡装进灯座里,然后来到通道尽头,把灯打开. 一阵恐怖的叫声从舞台的下方传来...... 离开狭小的通道(CATWALK),出门以后还是沿着东侧的通道一直向右下角走,
2. 狭窄的过道:二是时尚性,比如说生物钟学习法金字塔复习术,比如说英语单词形象记忆法,猫(cat)走(walk)狭窄的过道(catwalk). 你看你看,一下子就记住了三个单词. 啧啧!普遍也好时尚也新年的作文好,虽说不可能立竿见影,但经常念叨念叨也没坏处,
1. 时装表演台;T型台
At a fashion show, the catwalk is a narrow platform that models walk along to display clothes.
2. (楼房、大型建筑外或舞台上方的)狭窄天桥,高空走道
A catwalk is a narrow bridge high in the air, for example between two parts of a tall building, on the outside of a large structure, or over a stage.
1. narrow pathway high in the air (as above a stage or between parts of a building or along a bridge)
2. narrow platform extending out into an auditorium
e.g. models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show