
careful [ˈkeəfl]  [ˈkerfl] 

careful 基本解释

形容词仔细的,小心的; 周到的; 慎; 心细

careful 相关例句


1. He was careful enough to check up every detail.

2. Be careful with the dynamite.

3. careful的翻译

3. A good writer is careful about details.


4. The doctor gave him a careful examination.

5. The physician made a careful examination for him.

careful 网络解释

1. 仔細的:等级15以上最大体力增加3,冰箭等级9以上,int+12 僵硬的(Stiff) 武器 雷魔法等级A以上DEX-10,强击等级9以上最大负伤率增加10,暴击+10 8级释放卷轴 仔细的(Careful) 头盔(不是帽子) 等级15以上伤害平衡减少8,

2. careful的意思

2. 谨慎:本文的主要工作由三部分组成:1.考虑车辆驾驶员具有其不同的驾驶特点,将驾驶员分为两类:一类为激进(aggressive)驾驶员,他们倾向于超速、超车行驶并保持较小的车间距等,通常较少刹车;另一类为谨慎(careful)驾驶员,他们通常较少超速、超车行驶并保持较大的车间距等,

3. danci.edu.pub

3. 细心:传真机(fax machine) ,计算机(computer) ,打字机(typewriter) ,幻灯机(epidiascope) .秘书工作比较 繁杂琐碎,所以要把事情做得有条不紊和有效率,在面试中要特别强调自己很有耐心 (patient) ,细心(careful) ,灵活性(flexible) .做秘书,

careful 词典解释

1. 小心的;仔细的;谨慎的
    If you are careful, you give serious attention to what you are doing, in order to avoid harm, damage, or mistakes. If you are careful to do something, you make sure that you do it.

    e.g. Be very careful with this stuff, it can be dangerous if it isn''t handled properly...
    e.g. Careful on those stairs!...

Have a nice time, dear, and drive carefully...
He had chosen his words carefully in declaring that the murderers were madmen.

2. 仔细的;周密的
    Careful work, thought, or examination is thorough and shows a concern for details.

    e.g. He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts...
    e.g. What we now know about the disease was learned by careful study of diseased organs.

...a vast series of deliberate and carefully planned thefts...
He explained very carefully what he was doing.

3. 当心的;小心的;慎重的
    If you tell someone to be careful about doing something, you think that what they intend to do is probably wrong, and that they should think seriously before they do it.

    e.g. I think you should be careful about talking of the rebels as heroes...
    e.g. It is important, I think, for everyone to be careful about claiming victory.

He should think carefully about actions like this which play into the hands of his opponents.

4. 节约的;节省的
    If you are careful with something such as money or resources, you use or spend only what is necessary.

    e.g. You will have to make a special effort to train your child to be careful with her pocket-money...
    e.g. It would force industries to be more careful with natural resources.

5. 越谨慎越好;再小心也不为过
    You can say ''You can''t be too careful'' as a way of advising someone to be careful, even when this seems unnecessary.

    e.g. You can''t be too careful when a young child is near water.

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