名词[植]大麻; 大麻制品; 大麻雌花顶部
1. 大麻类:3.大麻类(cannabis) 滥用最多的是印度大麻,含有主要的精神活性物质依次是△. 一四氢大麻酚(delta一9一tetrahydrocannabinol,△. THC)、大麻二酚、大麻酚及其相应的酸. 大麻类包括大麻叶、大麻树脂和大麻油等.
2. 公共查询·英语单词
2. 大麻属:关于大麻,我查了一下资料,大麻是真核域(Eukarya),植物界(Plantae),被子植物门(Magnoliophyta),双子叶植物纲(Magnoliopsida),荨麻目(Urticales)[注]的一科,本科包含两个属,大麻属(Cannabis)和葎草属(Humulus),共5种.
3. 类:氟马西尼(flumazenil)是苯二氮草毒品(arcoticsc)是指国家规定管制的能使人成瘾的麻醉(镇痛)药(narcotic anal3.大麻类(cannabis) 滥用最多的是印度大麻,含有主要的精神活性物质依次是△址2.中枢兴奋药(central stimtalants) 经常滥用的有苯丙胺(amphetamine,
1. 大麻
Cannabis is the hemp plant when it is used as a drug.
1. the most commonly used illicit drug
considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant
smoked or chewed for euphoric effect
Synonym: marijuanamarihuanaganja
2. any plant of the genus Cannabis
a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers
yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs
Synonym: hemp