
camp down

camp down 双语例句

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1. I wrote about how one night we were smuggled down the mountain and into the lines of government soldiers, where a sergeant sent us to a refugee camp.

2. camp down的翻译

2. The same night the Lord said to him: Arise, and go down into the camp: because I have delivered them into thy hand.

3. Father and I went down to camp Along with Captain Gooding And there we saw the men and boys As thick as hasty pudding.

4. Aaron didn''t know how to turn the camp stove down and he wasn''t about to admit it.

5. Are widely used in the harbor docks, ships, steam down, êrail; yacht enclosures, tourism tents, parasols, clothing artillery and aircraft camp, construction safety net enclosures, farm with cattle, and a variety of pockets and handbags and other brigades.

6. 3 And he told them, " Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Put your sword on your hip, every one of you! Now go up and down the camp, from gate to gate, and slay your own kinsmen, your friends and neighbors!

7. camp down

7. And when Gedeon was come, one told his neighbour a dream: and in this manner related what he had seen: I dreamt a dream, and it seemed to me as if a hearth cake of barley bread rolled and came down into the camp of Madian: and when it was come to a tent it struck it, and beat it down flat to the ground.

8. You can also take a boat trip down the Colorado River, and camp on the beaches at night.

9. Israel''s cream loses Europe in this big great calamities those person surviving down in camp in Hitlerian death is having holocaust terror and wound almost to the end, forever.

10. In these buttoned-down times, it would be treated like an al-Qaida training camp.

11. Set down for three, or a return to first-line camp, Chinese dairy industry.

12. They made good time down the chain of lakes which fills the craters of extinct volcanoes, and late that night pulled into the huge camp at the head of Lake Bennett, where thousands of gold-seekers were building boats against the breakup of the ice in the spring.

13. So only Xiewei and theofficer Mr. Hestay here and we go down to the camp that moved to the high place.

14. Bear didn''t think it could happen to them and Lehman didn''t think it could happen to them either, ''said analyst David Trone of Fox-Pitt, Kelton.''I think management looked at Bear and Lehman and said we''re not going to go down that slope, we''re going to try and get our shareholders something before we end up in the same camp.
      Fox-Pitt Kelton 的分析师大卫·特罗恩说,贝尔斯登对他们的命运始料未及,雷曼兄弟也想不到自己会栽进去;我想美林管理层吸取了贝尔斯登和雷曼兄弟的经验,最终决定不能坐以待毙,怎么也得在完蛋之前努力为股东捞回点什么。

15. Villages in the multi-housing is the last century, the sixties and the seventies generation of the old camp, there is no up and down the water, both summer and winter there are cross-flow of sewage, garbage everywhere.


16. But when I got to shore pap wasn''t in sight yet, and as I was running her into a little creek like a gully, all hung over with vines and willows, I struck another idea: I judged I''d hide her good, and then, ''stead of taking to the woods when I run off, I''d go down the river about fifty mile and camp in one place for good, and not have such a rough time tramping on foot.

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17. They were to break camp, pack up their goods, form in line to march, and move down to the very banks before the river would be opened.

18. He was lying on something that felt like a camp bed, except that it was higher off the ground and that he was fixed down in some way so that he could not move.

19. And he went down with Phara his servant into part of the camp, where was the watch of men in arms.

20. camp down在线翻译

20. When it was dark I set by my camp fire smoking, and feeling pretty well satisfied; but by and by it got sort of lonesome, and so I went and set on the bank and listened to the current swashing along, and counted the stars and drift logs and rafts that come down, and then went to bed; there ain''t no better way to put in time when you are lonesome; you can''t stay so, you soon get over it.

camp down 单语例句

1. Obama has been hunkering down in Camp David since Friday till Monday morning to prep for the final showdown in a debate hall.

2. The government shut down the army camp on Tuesday night after the clashes.

3. Reporters were allowed to walk down the middle of camp streets, warned by soldiers that explosives still littered the area.

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