1. cache
1. 缓冲存储器:A) 绝对时钟 B) 相对时钟 C) 82531PIT D) 看门狗(watchdog)A) 各CPU芯片内部的RAM B) 高速缓冲存储器(cache)(5) 如果一棵哈夫曼(Huffmam)树共有9个结点,则其中的叶子结点的个数是 [5] 个.
2. cache在线翻译
2. 高速缓存:3.2.3 寄存器数据转移(MOVE)指令3.2.11 高速缓存(Cache)控制指令为了避免总线冲突. 应该对异步存储器组控制寄存器中的转换时间(块切换时间)进行适当的编程.该功能允许软件设置按组连续访问的间隔周期数.
3. cache
3. 高速缓冲存储器:...如果对微型计算机硬件系统有足够的了解,那么我们对于Cache这个名词一定是耳熟能详的. 在CPU以及主板的芯片中,都引入了这种名为高速缓冲存 储器(Cache)的技术. 因为Cache的存取速度比内存快,...
1. 隐藏物,隐匿物(如军火)
A cache is a quantity of things such as weapons that have been hidden.
e.g. A huge arms cache was discovered by police.
e.g. ...a cache of weapons and explosives.
2. 高速缓冲存储器
A cache or cache memory is an area of computer memory that is used for temporary storage of data and can be accessed more quickly than the main memory.
e.g. In your Web browser''s cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded.
1. a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons)
2. (computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated
used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics
Synonym: memory cache
3. a secret store of valuables or money
1. save up as for future use