1. 电缆车:植物园山上设有古老的木质车厢的电缆车(Cable Car),于1902年2月22日正式接待乘客. 电缆车自植物园观景台至市中心往返行驶,是惠灵顿保存最完好、至今仍在使用的交通和旅游工具. 新西兰国家博物馆(The National Museum of New Zealand,
2. 空中缆车:吃完早饭到多美歌乘地铁到港湾站(Harbour front)下,从港湾站出来穿过一大型的商场,根着指示牌走,就到达乘空中缆车(cable car)的地方,买了往返的票,及上岛费($2.00),就乘缆车直接到圣淘沙岛上,在缆车出站处有免费的圣淘沙地图可取.
3. 索车:cable bush 电缆套筒 | cable car 索车 | cable certificate 锚链强度证书
1. (登山)缆车,吊车,索道车
A cable car is a vehicle for taking people up mountains or steep hills. It is pulled by a moving cable.
1. a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway
e.g. they took a cable car to the top of the mountain
Synonym: car