
by [baɪ]  [baɪ] 

by 基本解释

介词在…旁边; 表示方式; 由于; 经过

副词经过; 表示保留或保存时用; 短暂拜访

by 相关词组

1. by and by : 不久以后;

2. by and large : 大体上, 基本上;


by 相关例句


1. by

1. They put money by for later use.


1. by的意思

1. The ship sailed north by east.

2. He sat down just by the door.

3. by的意思

3. He had finished the work by ten o''clock this morning.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. I go by the house every day.

by 情景对话


A:My grandmother gets by on (social security/ her pension funds/ charity).

B:Mine too.


A:(Most/ almost all/ a great deal) of the street parking is gone by then.




B:Will you be paying by cash,check,or credit card? /How will you be paying?)

A:By (cash/ check/ credit card).

by 网络解释

1. 通过:尤其是在汇报会上,学生们主动地运用多种富于创造性的形式来展示自己的成果,更是鲜明地体现出学生不同的智能倾向. 总而言之,这次活动的成功之处在于一切为了(for)学生的多元智能,一切通过(by)学生的多元智能.

2. 经......由:然而,这里经由(by)书写与和声--如果不也是经由某种复杂性观念(notion of complexity)的话,我们可以把这种观念与技术进步相联系--而被置于危险境地的东西,到底是什么呢?

3. by:bypass; 电桥旁路

4. by的意思

4. by:bywlq; 恩祁

5. by:belarus; 白俄罗斯(域名)

by 词典解释

In addition to the uses shown below, by is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘abide by’, ‘put by’, and ‘stand by’.
除下列用法,by还可用于abide by, put by和 stand by等短语动词中。
The preposition is pronounced /baɪ/. The adverb is pronounced /''baɪ/. 用作介词时读作/baɪ/,用作副词时在句中重读。

1. 由;被
    If something is done by a person or thing, that person or thing does it.

    e.g. The feast was served by his mother and sisters...
    e.g. I was amazed by their discourtesy and lack of professionalism...

2. (图书、音乐、绘画等)由…(创作),出自
    If you say that something such as a book, a piece of music, or a painting is by a particular person, you mean that this person wrote it or created it.

    e.g. ...a painting by Van Gogh...
    e.g. ''Jacob''s Ladder'', the newest film by Adrian Lyne, is a post-Vietnam horror story.

When you are talking about the author of a book or play, the composer of a piece of music, or the painter of a painting, you say that the piece of work is by that person or is written or painted by him or her. ...three books by Michael Moorcock. ...a collection of piano pieces by Mozart. When you are talking about the person who has written you a letter or sent a message to you, you say that the letter or message is from that person. He received a message from Vito Corleone.
谈论一本书、一部戏、一首乐曲或一幅画的创作者时,用by表示:three books by Michael Moorcock(迈克尔·穆尔科克写的3本书),a collection of piano pieces by Mozart(莫扎特钢琴曲集)。谈论信件或信息的发出者时,用from表示:He received a message from Vito Corleone(他收到维托·科莱奥内捎来的信息)。

3. 靠;用;凭
    If you do something by a particular means, you do it using that thing.


    e.g. We''ll be travelling by car.
    e.g. ...dinners by candlelight.

4. 通过,凭借(做某事)
    If you achieve one thing by doing another thing, your action enables you to achieve the first thing.


    e.g. Make the sauce by boiling the cream and stock together in a pan...
    e.g. The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world...

5. (用于短语中)由于,出于(偶然或意外)
    You use by in phrases such as ''by chance'' or ''by accident'' to indicate whether or not an event was planned.

    e.g. I met him by chance out walking yesterday...
    e.g. He opened Ingrid''s letter by mistake...

6. 就(本性、职业或出身)而言
    If someone is a particular type of person by nature, by profession, or by birth, they are that type of person because of their nature, their profession, or the family they were born into.


    e.g. I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature...
    e.g. She''s a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women...

7. 根据,按照(法律或某种标准)
    If something must be done by law, it happens according to the law. If something is the case by particular standards, it is the case according to the standards.


    e.g. Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
    e.g. ...evening wear that was discreet by his standards.

8. 说(某词语或某一番话)
    If you say what someone means by a particular word or expression, you are saying what they intend the word or expression to refer to.

    e.g. Stella knew what he meant by ''start again''...
    e.g. ''You''re unbelievably lucky.'' — ''What do you mean by that?''

9. (用于表示抓住身体某部位或握住物体某部分)
      If you hold someone or something by a particular part of them, you hold that part.

      e.g. He caught her by the shoulder and turned her around...
      e.g. She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor...

10. 在…旁边;接近
      Someone or something that is by something else is beside it and close to it.


      e.g. Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window...
      e.g. Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine...

11. 经过;经由
      If a person or vehicle goes by you, they move past you without stopping.

      e.g. A few cars passed close by me...
      e.g. He kept walking and passed by me on his side of the street.

12. 在(某处停留)
      If you stop by a place, you visit it for a short time.


      e.g. We had made arrangements to stop by her house in Pacific Grove...
      e.g. Daddy called and asked me to drop by his office.

13. 在…时候;到…之前;不迟于
      If something happens by a particular time, it happens at or before that time.

      e.g. By eight o''clock he had arrived at my hotel...
      e.g. We all knew by then that the affair was practically over.

14. 在(白天或夜晚)
      If you do something by day, you do it during the day. If you do it by night, you do it during the night.


      e.g. By day a woman could safely walk the streets, but at night the pavements became dangerous...
      e.g. She had no wish to hurry alone through the streets of London by night.

15. (乘或除)以
      In arithmetic, you use by before the second number in a multiplication or division sum.

      e.g. ...an apparent annual rate of 22.8 per cent (1.9 multiplied by 12)...
      e.g. 230cm divided by 22cm is 10.45cm.

16. 乘(表示长乘宽得出的居室等的面积)
      You use by to talk about measurements of area. For example, if a room is twenty feet by fourteen feet, it measures twenty feet in one direction and fourteen feet in the other direction.


      e.g. Three prisoners were sharing one small cell 3 metres by 2 metres.

17. (表示增减的幅度)
      If something increases or decreases by a particular amount, that amount is gained or lost.

      e.g. Violent crime has increased by 10 percent since last year...
      e.g. Their pay has been cut by one-third.

18. 以…计;按…计
      Things that are made or sold by the million or by the dozen are made or sold in those quantities.

      e.g. Parcels arrived by the dozen from America...
      e.g. Liberty fabrics, both for furnishing and for dressmaking, are sold by the metre.

19. (表示事物的逐渐变化)
      You use by in expressions such as ''minute by minute'' and ''drop by drop'' to talk about things that happen gradually, not all at once.

      e.g. His father began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming increasingly forgetful.

20. 独自;单独
      If you are by yourself, you are alone.

      e.g. ...a dark-haired man sitting by himself in a corner.

21. 独立(完成某事)
      If you do something by yourself, you succeed in doing it without anyone helping you.

      e.g. I didn''t know if I could raise a child by myself.

by 英英释义



1. in reserve
    not for immediate use

    e.g. started setting aside money to buy a car
           put something by for her old age
           has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day

    Synonym: asideaway

2. so as to pass a given point

    e.g. every hour a train goes past

    Synonym: past

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