
bust [bʌst]  [bʌst] 


bust 基本解释


名词胸围; 半身雕塑像; 妇女的胸部; 突击搜捕

及物动词突击搜查(或搜捕); (使)降级,降低军阶

形容词破产; 破碎,毁坏


bust 相关例句


1. The business went bust.


1. He was busted for possession of marijuana.

2. His face was busted open and bleeding.


1. bust

1. The balloon busted.


1. On his desk there stood a bust of his favorite poet.

2. Bill treated us to a brandy bust.

bust 网络解释

1. 胸部:三个拐点按照如下方式确定:胸部:胸部(bust)最大周长腰部:腹部(abdomen)最小周长髋部:髋部与臀部(buttocks)最大周长女性体形有四种组合结构(combinatorial structure).

2. bust

2. 半身像:到另一间屋内,拿出半身像(BUST)和书籍(BOOK),用放大镜把第三份档案改好,然后选DISCONNECT回到现实世界. 出来后,打开右面的终端机,选4.SECURITY牋?SERVICE,再选SPECIALOPERATION,按SPECIALSTATEREQUEST来提高FOSTER的LINC值.

bust 词典解释

The form bust is used as the present tense of the verb, and can also be used as the past tense and past participle. bust的过去式和过去分词可与原形相同。

1. 打碎;破坏
    If you bust something, you break it or damage it so badly that it cannot be used.


    e.g. They will have to bust the door to get him out.

2. 逮捕;拘留
    If someone is busted, the police arrest them.


    e.g. They were busted for possession of cannabis.

3. (警察)搜查
    If police bust a place, they go to it in order to arrest people who are doing something illegal.

    e.g. ...police success in busting UK-based drug factories.

4. 破产的;倒闭的
    A company or fund that is bust has no money left and has been forced to close down.


    e.g. It is taxpayers who will pay most of the bill for bailing out bust banks.

5. 破产;倒闭
    If a company goes bust, it loses so much money that it is forced to close down.

    e.g. ...a Swiss company which went bust last May.

6. 半身像;胸像
    A bust is a statue of the head and shoulders of a person.

    e.g. ...a bronze bust of the Queen.

7. (女人的)胸部
    You can use bust to refer to a woman''s breasts, especially when you are describing their size.

    e.g. Good posture also helps your bust look bigger.

8. to bust a gut -> see gut

bust 英英释义


1. an occasion for excessive eating or drinking

    e.g. they went on a bust that lasted three days

    Synonym: tearbingebout

2. a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person

3. the chest of a woman

    Synonym: female chest

4. a complete failure

    e.g. the play was a dismal flop

    Synonym: flopfizzle


1. break open or apart suddenly and forcefully

    e.g. The dam burst

    Synonym: burst

2. go to pieces

    e.g. The lawn mower finally broke
           The gears wore out
           The old chair finally fell apart completely

    Synonym: breakwearwear outfall apart

3. ruin completely

    e.g. He busted my radio!

    Synonym: break

4. separate or cause to separate abruptly

    e.g. The rope snapped
           tear the paper

    Synonym: tearrupturesnap

5. search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on

    e.g. The police raided the crack house

    Synonym: raid


1. lacking funds

    e.g. `skint'' is a British slang term

    Synonym: brokeskintstone-brokestony-broke

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